# Ijekiel, do you like Athy? If yes, you are going to go through a lot of trouble are you prepared for that?

Ijekiel: I know falling in love is easier than getting the other person to love you. Besides, I do like Princess Athanasia, she's my Lady Angel after all.

At first, I didn't know what my feelings meant but when I saw her it felt as if I was struck by the Cupid's arrow

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At first, I didn't know what my feelings meant but when I saw her it felt as if I was struck by the Cupid's arrow. If possible, I'd like to be with her all of my life and if that means going through a lot of tests to win her love then, I'm ready to go through anything.

# Even facing Emperor Claude and Princess Amara?

Ijekiel: I'll have to have their permission to marry Princess Athanasia in future after all. And I know they love Princess Athanasia the most so, I'm prepared for every test they put me through.

Ara: Oh ho, did you hear that? He's become lovesick.

(Athy is blushing furiously in the corner)

# Lucas, imagine your girl being stolen away by someone with the same looks as you? What will you do?

Lucas: Say what? Who the hell is trying to seduce Ara?!

# Ahem... but no one mentioned Ara's name, Lucas.

Lucas: ... I don't care who she hangs out with, she's my best friend so I consider her as my girl. *coughs to hide nervousness* Besides, who is this guy that you talk about? I'd like to meet him.
*Murderous aura seeping out*

Athy: What was that just now?

Ara: The sudden chill... Is Dad here already?

(Both girls look around)

Berserif: Oh my, it seems as though I'd need to go in hiding.

Claude arrives fashionably late, dressed in his usual outfit, looking dapper as always.

Claude arrives fashionably late, dressed in his usual outfit, looking dapper as always

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

# Your Majesty-

Claude: Hurry up, I need to go have my break time with my daughters after this.

I'm The Princess's Twin?! (Lucas X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora