Just Us

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The Titans Tower, night. Beast Boy and Raven are the only ones left in the living room, watching TV.

Beast Boy: "Man, I'm beat. It's been a long day." Beast Boy said with a yawn.

Raven: "Yeah, me too."

Beast Boy: "Hey, Rae?"

Raven: "What?"

Beast Boy: "Can I ask you something?"

Raven: "Sure."

Beast Boy: "Why are you still here?"

Raven: "What do you mean?"

Beast Boy: "I mean, why are you still a Titan? Everyone else has moved on with their lives. Robin and Starfire got married and moved to Tamaran. Cyborg joined the Justice League. But you and me, we're still here, fighting crime and living in this tower."

Raven: "Well, I don't know. I guess I just like being a Titan. It's what I've always done."

Beast Boy: "Yeah, but don't you ever want something more? Something different?"

Raven: "Like what?"

Beast Boy: "Like... love?"

Raven: "Love?" Raven blushed. t
Thankfully her Hood was covering most of her face.

Beast Boy: "Yeah, love. Don't you ever want to fall in love with someone? To have someone who cares about you and understands you and makes you happy?"

Raven: "I don't know. Maybe." Raven looked away from him.

Beast Boy: "Well, I do."

Raven: "You do?"

Beast Boy: "Yeah, I do. And I think I already have."

Raven: "You have?" Raven turned her head to look at him.

Beast Boy: "Yeah. Rae, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, but I never had the courage to say it."

Raven: "What is it?"

Beast Boy: Beast boy took a deep breath. "Rae, I love you."

Raven: Raven gasped with surprise.

Beast Boy: "I love you more than anything in the world. You're my best friend, my partner, my soulmate. You're the only one who gets me, who accepts me for who I am. You're the only one who can make me laugh when I'm sad, who can calm me down when I'm angry, who can make me feel alive when I'm bored. You're the only one who can make me feel anything at all."

Raven: "Beast Boy..."

Beast Boy: "And I know you probably don't feel the same way about me. I know you probably think I'm annoying and immature and stupid. But I don't care. I just had to tell you how I feel. Because if I didn't, I would regret it for the rest of my life."

Raven: "Beast Boy, stop."

Beast Boy: "What?"

Raven: "Just stop talking."

Beast Boy: "Why?"

Raven: "Because... because..."

She leaned in and kissed him passionately.

Beast Boy: Beast Boy had a surprised look on his face.

Raven: Raven broke the kiss. "Because... I love you too."

Beast Boy: "You do?"

Raven: "Yes, I do. I've loved you for a long time, but I was afraid to admit it. Afraid of what it would mean for me, for us, for the team. Afraid of what my father would do if he found out. Afraid of what my emotions would do if they got out of control."

Beast Boy: "But they didn't."

Raven: "No, they didn't. Because you helped me control them. You helped me embrace them. You helped me be myself."

Beast Boy: "And you helped me be myself too."

Raven: "Beast Boy..."

Beast Boy: "Raven..."

They hug each other tightly.

Beast Boy: "So... what now?"

Raven: "Well... we could stay here and watch TV."

Beast Boy: Or...

Raven: Or...

They look at each other and smile. The two got up and held hands. They walked towards Raven's room.


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