You Are Cute

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Raven is sitting on the couch, reading a book. She looks bored and restless. Beast boy entered the room, holding a video game controller.

BEAST BOY: "Hey, Raven. Wanna play some video games with me?"

RAVEN: Raven continued to read her book. "No, thanks."

BEAST BOY: "Come on, it'll be fun. You never do anything fun."

RAVEN: She started to look annoyed. The cloak was covering her face. "I do plenty of fun things. Like reading."

BEAST BOY: "Reading? That's not fun. That's boring."

RAVEN: Raven looked at Beast boy snapping at him. "Well, maybe you should try it sometime. Maybe you'd learn something."

BEAST BOY: Beast boy got offended. "Hey, I'm not dumb. I know stuff."

RAVEN: "Oh, really? Like what?"

BEAST BOY: "Like... like... like animals!" He said thinking hard.

RAVEN: "Animals? That's your area of expertise?"

BEAST BOY: "Yeah, duh. I can turn into any animal I want. I know everything about them."

RAVEN: Raven rolled her eyes. "Fine. Quiz me."

BEAST BOY: "What?"

RAVEN: "Quiz me on animals. If I get one wrong, I'll play video games with you. If I get them all right, you'll leave me alone."

BEAST BOY: Beast boy had a grin on his face. "Deal. This'll be easy."

RAVEN: Raven closed her book putting it aside. "Go ahead."

BEAST BOY: "Okay, first question. What's the largest animal in the world?"

RAVEN: "The blue whale."

BEAST BOY: Beast boy had a surprise d look on his face. "Uh... yeah. That's right."

RAVEN: Next.

BEAST BOY: Okay, okay. What's the fastest animal in the world?

RAVEN: The peregrine falcon.

BEAST BOY: (impressed) Wow. You're good at this.

RAVEN: "Next."

BEAST BOY: "Um... what's the most venomous animal in the world?"

RAVEN: "The box jellyfish."

BEAST BOY: "How do you know all this?" Beast boy asked stumped.

RAVEN: "I read books, remember?"

BEAST BOY:  "Fine, fine. Last question. What's the most adorable animal in the world?" Beast boy said frustrated.

RAVEN: Raven had a confused look on her face. "That's subjective."

BEAST BOY: "No, it's not. There's only one correct answer." He said smirking.

RAVEN: "And what is it?" She said not knowing she fell into his trap.

BEAST BOY: Beast boy smiled from ear to ear. Then he morphed into a green kitten. "Meow." He said purring.

RAVEN: Raven blushed and smiled at him. His trap had success. "Aww..."

BEAST BOY: Beast boy jumped onto the couch. Beast boy turned into his normal form. He held Raven close in his arms. "Ha! I got you!"

RAVEN: Raven softened her voice, playing with his hair a bit. "Fine, you got me. You're cute."

BEAST BOY: Beast boy morphed back into a cat. He purred and nuzzled her. "So... does this mean we can play video games now?"

RAVEN: She let out a small giggle, shaking her head. "No, it means we can do something else." Raven hinted.

BEAST BOY: He looked at Raven with hope in his eyes. "Like what?" He said turing back to normal.

RAVEN: "This." Raven leaned in kissing him. "Now get some sleep." She said grabbing her book before leaving to her room.

BEAST BOY: He laid back on the couch. "Now that was awesome."

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