First TV Interview

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******No one's POV******

In the dressing room, the kids sat comfortably on the couch as the TV played Ellen's show. No doubt they felt energetically excited about their first ever live interview alone. The memory of joining their Mom on Ellen when they were younger wasn't lost on Jace and Breanna. Bella's first experience came instantly after her song debuted. Watching celeb interviews, she learnt to handle comfortable and uncomfortable questions. She didn't want awful questions to attack them mentally so she coached them. But it's Ellen, she adores children, probably have them play a hilarious game. Not to mention this was their first interview together during the holidays. Bella watched intently while drinking water. Breanna was practicing a dance. Jace, on the other hand was occupied with his Nintendo to pass the time. He rather grown used to all the hype it comes with being Lizzy's son. Nobody knew them really, especially from social media because their parents don't want their privacy exposed entirely. "Can you believe it? Our first interview with Ellen!" Breanna cheered excitedly. Bella nodded in agreement and sighed happily. "Same. Is it true you been on her show before?" She asked. Jace paused the game while looking up. "Yup. We were ten. I remembered how fun it was even though I was a little nervous." He told her. Breanna cringed shyly. "I admit, I've watched the interview and seen how a bit nervous I was. I was upbeat but nervous altogether." She added. Bella nodded in understanding. "I've been there. After my song was out. Had to watch how interviews go so I'd know what to do or what to say." She said. He smirked. "Quite ironic we're having another during the holidays again." He joked. They bursted into a fit of snickers. Bella smiled amusedly. "I think of it as a blessing. We're on TV during the most cheerful time of the year." She said. Breanna nodded in agreement and exhaled a long breath. "When is it gonna be time?" She asked. Bella patted her thigh softly. "Bri, relax. Doing a hit TV show is a lot of work. You don't know how many important people she's got to meet. Some could be working for charity stuff or in fact—she was cut off when the door opened. Ellen's producer smiled nicely. "Guys, you're on." He told them. Jace and Breanna cheered excitingly before he hopped off the couch. Bella sighed sheepishly. "Or now." She finished. He led them to backstage where the curtains were in front. "Please welcome Bella, Jace and Breanna Dunham!" Ellen announced. The audience erupted into loud cheers as the curtains revealed their appearance. Bella smiled, waving both hands. Breanna playfully danced to the entrance music and giggled. Jace smiled and put a peace sign. All this done on camera which would amuse their parents after Bernard takes them home. After hugging and greeting Ellen, they took their spots on the couch across from hers. "How are you three today?" She asked, smiling. They laughed. "We're great! We're fine." Bella answered. Breanna cheered, clapping. "And we're back here again!" She joked. The audience laughed including Ellen. "It's been quite a while and the holidays are around the corner. Has it been a good year for all of you?" She said. Jace cleared his throat. "Yup. Really. Two of us started middle school!" He said, smirking. Most of the room clapped. Ellen smiled. "Middle school, that's amazing! Are you in high school?" She asked, looking at Bella. She nodded and returned the gesture. "We also watched you perform at the VMAs and awarded Best New Artist." She continued, making the audience cheer more. Bella covered her mouth in attempt to hide her giddy smile. Jace and Breanna chuckled while nudging her shoulders. "Just wanna say congrats for this huge accomplishment at sixteen. Rumors were going around a bit on Twitter about your disability you spoke in your VMA speech." She said. Bella nodded. "Yes. The disability I have is epilepsy." She admitted. The audience let out a few 'Ooo's.' "Were you diagnosed? Or something occurred?" She asked. She smiled softly. "I was diagnosed when I was eight. Of course the worse of it was missing a few things I could do. Like drive, play active sports, eating certain foods. So in that moment, it felt...really important to me to say these things because there are many people who go through what I went through or any other disabilities. During rehearsal having an emotional breakdown, worrying about what'll happen when I perform because not only I wanted to do this for myself, I wanted to do this for anyone who's facing my situation and let them know nothing, no one, not even your disability can take away your dreams or passions." She explained. Ellen and the audience clapped proudly the whole time. Jace held her hand protectively. As an only brother, all he wants is his sisters happy and protected. Breanna grasped her other arm while leaning toward her shoulder. "That is really incredible. Oh! Almost forgot! I seem to have hid early Christmas gifts for you." She said, pulling what's under her chair. Their jaws instantly dropped. She handed Bella the first present. A red box covered with a sparkled green ribbon. "Here's yours." She said before pulling out a blue box of white snowflakes and yellow ribbon. "Yours." She said, giving it to Jace. Lastly, she gave Breanna a red box of Reindeers and a dark green ribbon. The kids were quietly beaming happily over their presents. Ellen smirked. "Now don't open them till Christmas morning." She joked. Jace returned the gesture. "We'll try." He joked. Everyone laughed including themselves. "As for you Jace, we heard you're gonna be on Stranger Things Season 4!" She added. The instant cheers and claps erupted again. He smiled shyly. "What's it like working with the cast?" She asked. His sisters turned to him smirking which caused him to laugh. "Um, it's really cool! Everyone is so cool to work with. Most often I joke around with them and we'd like goofing off whenever we're not working. They're really genuine, funny, kind and helpful because sometimes I could struggle with my lines and they'd help me go over them a few times. Literally, this never happened to me before so I'm speechless but pumped for everyone including my friends at home to see." He told her. Ellen smiled. "Good. Will you tell us your character?" She asked. A moment of silence was present. Jace scoffed. "Naw!" He joked but in a serious tone. Everyone laughed. "Not giving away any spoilers! Sorry!" He said, shrugging and chuckling. Bella covered her face to laugh. Breanna snickered. Ellen smiled amusedly. "Fair enough. Are you considering being an actor?" She questioned. Jace hummed in response. "It's actually my first time being on screen. I've done a commercial before and I'll probably think about it after the season's over. That's all." He answered. She nodded in understanding. "Now Breanna, we heard you're a infamous dancer. You make danceable TikTok videos. Is dancing what you love doing?" She asked. Breanna nodded, smiling. "Yeah. I've always loved it since I was like eight or seven." She told her. "What kind of dancing are you into?" She asked. She balled up her fists and squealed happily. "Ugh! Always hip hop. Always." She said. Ellen studied her dance outfit. "Now, since I see you have your dancing shoes on, would you like to dance for us?" She asked. Breanna smiled excitedly. "Yes!" She blurted. Everyone laughed at her giddy response. Ellen clapped. "Alright. You can walk over there to the dance floor. We're gonna give you some Cardi B." She said, motioning her to the empty floor beside them. Breanna got up and walked to the openly space. She took a few seconds to remember the dance she learnt from Matt Steffanina. "Ok, here we go!" Ellen beamed. Jace and Bella turned as Cardi B's music began playing. She readied herself confidently.

The audience, her siblings and Ellen applauded and cheered. Breanna smiled before going back to her seat beside Bella. "What? That was—wow! Insane!" She commented, sitting back down. "First I'm really excited for you three to open the gifts on Christmas morning, make sure to let me know if you like them. Bella, are you planning on releasing any new music yet?" She asked. Bella shifted herself between her siblings and sighed. "Not at the moment. I wanna release new stuff but I wanna keep up with school right now. Between managing school and music, it's actually not simple at all. My mentality and physicality is important so I'm just taking things slow." She explained. Ellen nodded in agreement. "Definitely agree. That's the best policy. Your parents must be extremely proud of you three and we're excited to see how far you'll come. I also wish you a very Merry Christmas. Thank you guys for coming, we'll be right back!" She said, smiling. The show's music started playing as she hugged each of the siblings before waving to the camera and bringing their presents with them home.

The Dunhams (Sequel to Better or Bad - Lizzy Walker)Where stories live. Discover now