Harry's Bathroom Emergency

Start from the beginning

The final light. The closer I got to home the more desperate I became. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold this. It would have been so much easier if my stomach could have done this earlier and not right now. I swear my stomach can sense when I'm getting closer to the bathroom. We stopped at the final light. I could feel the goosebumps rising on my skin, the sweat that had slowly collected on my forehead, the bubbles that had formed in my angry gut.

This is not good.

The light seemed to be taking forever, certainly longer then the other ones. I was doing my thing, tapping on the steering wheel and biting my lip. Louis was staring out the window. The radio luckily muffling my stomach sloshing and gurgling about.
I then passed a little gas, trying to ease the pressure. Which it did. For like 2 seconds. And then it made the pressure more intense.

I see the neighborhood, I see it. It's right there!

No one was coming and this damn light still hadn't changed so, even though I shouldn't have, I ran it. I drove on past the red light, onto the road after the intersection, and kept my eyes targeted on the neighborhood entrance.
It was not until afterwords that I realized someone had honked at me from the left.

Louis's POV:

I was really skeptical of Haz. I can tell when something's wrong even if he won't admit it. However, he's also stubborn and doesn't like when you continually ask him things like "are you okay" so I decided not to push it. Even though the radio was up he was driving me a little crazy with all the tapping he was doing. Maybe it was keeping him centered or something I don't know but he was really quiet so I just turned and looked out the window. I saw that it was a red light out of the corner of my eye, and then we started moving. Two headlights abruptly stopping and honking at us.

"What the- Harry you just ran a red light!" I lightly shouted. He didn't look at me or react in anyway. I swear I could see some sweat on his forehead.
"Harry... " I started saying, still nothing. "Harry." I said once more, a little louder but still nothing. I could see fear in his eye, probably from the fact that I'm yelling and he's ignoring me.

"HARRY!" I shouted. "What?!" He said through his teeth, glancing over at me then back at the road. Turning on his turn signal.

"What the hell was that!" I shouted, that car could've hit us. We drove through the neighborhood till we reached our road. "When I looked there was no one coming," he replied quietly. Still sounding really agitated.

"Okay what is up with you?" I said sternly, wanting an answer for all his actions. Harry quickly pulled the keys from the ignition and got out of the car, slamming the door and nearly running around the front to the pathway. I laughed to myself at how he looked, still unknowing about why he was ever impatient. I grabbed the food and quickly made my way up to him. "Harry, answer me." He was fumbling with keys, I honestly think his hands might have been shaking.
"shit!" He whisper yelled, trying the door again to see if it had unlocked. I had set my hand on his back to try and comfort him some how, his leg bouncing a little. It was quite a funny sight. "Shiiiit, sh-sh-sh-sh-sh shi-it," he sang, he tends to do that sometimes when he's panicky and make up little tunes.

"Love," I stated calmly but he had gotten the door unlocked and pushed it open. Placing the keys down in the little dish he began walking down the hallway. "Haz, answer m-" "back in a minute!" He shouted as he quickly made his way down the hallway. I set the bag down and took my coat off, flinching as I heard a door slam. I looked up down the hallway out of fright. "Jesus," I mumbled to myself, quietly laughing. I made my way down the same hallway into the kitchen. Turning the corner I saw that the hallway bathroom light was on. So that's where he went. Got it. I put the left overs away and went to the living room, turning the TV on for some noise and then pulled out my phone.
I was gonna have a chat with Harry whenever he came back in here though.

Harry's POV

I did it. I successfully made it without shiting myself. The door lock was really pushing it though. I sat on the toilet with my head in my hands, elbows on my knees, hunched over letting my bowels expel and waiting for it to pass. I might have over done it on the curry but that's all I can think of. I feel so much relief being able to finally use the toilet. I feel bad about ignoring Louis and nearly getting us killed because looking back? That was really stupid. I had heard Louis pass by the bathroom and my only hope was he hadn't heard anything because, even though it felt great, it was not pretty. I'm sure that he isn't gonna let this pass either, as soon as I get out there he, as he should, is probably gonna have a few things to say. He was probably laughing at me a few times as well because I was acting rediculous.

I wasn't sure how long I had been in there, but I was making sure that I was done and good to leave. Something in my stomach told me I might be back in the bathroom a bit later but for now I felt okay to clean myself up and go face Louis. Try my best to apologize for my stupid action.

Louis's POV

I heard the bathroom door unlock as well as Harry go into the kitchen and then to the front door where he most likely hung his jacket up. He was really in a rush to get to the toilet.

"Hey," he said as he entered, cup of water in hand and in sweats and a pink T-Shirt as he sat down next to me. His face looked a little red and flushed and like it was trying to regain some color, as well as he was still a little sweaty. "What we watchin?" He asked, taking a sip of water. "I don't know I just turned on the TV for some background noise. Are you okay?" He sighed and laughed a little, "yeah I just, really had to use the toilet." He wiped at his forehead a little while moving his hair out of his face. "Okay...well that's no excuse for nearly killing us." "I know love I know. That was really stupid and I shouldn't have done it. Regardless if someone wasn't coming." I nodded in agreeance, "yeah I mean, I've had to rush home after work and stuff cause I've had to piss but I've never ran a red light and you, jesus, you've never ran a red light in your life!" Harry chuckled, "N-No love. I don't---I don't think dinner is sitting that well with me.
I had to use the bathroom." I was confused on why he emphasized it, if he had thrown up I'm sure he would've told me, although he did seem to have a protective hand over his stomach.
"Yeah, that's what I just said!"
"No, Lou. My stomach's upset. Got the runs." 

So that's why he was red and impatient. "Ohhhh. So you didn't want to shit yourself?" He nodded slowly, "as weird as it is to say that, yeah. That was my main goal. However, that still does not make up for my actions, and I'm sorry."

I smirked at him, "I know one thing that will..." I moved a little closer to him and ran a hand down his chest.
"Mm... " he groaned, "as flattering as that is, I think it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow. I really don't feel that great, I was hoping we could just watch a movie or something." I jutted my bottom lip out, out of sympathy. "Sure love. Do you feel any better?" He hesitated, "a little after using the bathroom but I think it might be a bit of a rough night." "Do you know what you could've done?" I asked him, wondering what's making him a little poorly. "I think I over did it on the curry. It was really stupid good though." I chuckled before letting him rest his head on my chest. I put on one of the new Netflix releases and wrapped my arm around Harry. Him continuasly sitting up to drink some water and getting up again to use the toilet. I took that as an advantage and got up to get him a Pepto Bismol, sitting back down and waiting for him to return. About the same time length as before. Flushed and sweaty.

Once the movie finished, we headed to bed. We cuddled in bed and slept, me spooning him to make him feel better. To my recollection I think he got up about 4 or 5 times throughout the night, at one point making me get up to grab him some more toilet paper or water. But he was able to get sleep as soon as he got back in bed each time, and luckily tomorrow was Saturday so he could re cooperate and stay near a bathroom if he wasn't feeling 100%.

On Sunday he was feeling back to himself and we ate a bit of our leftovers. Careful not to over do it ;)

2,431 words. I wish I had a bit bigger or an audience or at least more people would vote on my stories. But thanks to my main friends that do so.💚💙

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