the dorms

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{third person}
Katie was unpacking her stuff at the dorm. She was in a program that took them to see different colleges and stay there. After she was done unpacking her roommate told her she was throwing a little party in the room. You were excited and wished that your "friend" would come.
{First person}
I didn't just want to be friends her name was Ace she was a fine ass stud with dreads she was a little shorter than me but I didn't care. We flirted here and there but you wanted more.

Later on in the day you were talking with some friends and were telling them about the party and Ace walks up to me ask what party I told her that my roommate was throwing one tonight and she should come she said she was coming.

Me and my roommate cleaning up a bit before the party when there was a knock at the door. It was Ace she came a bit early. She sat on my bed and I sat next to her.
A- So when does it be beginning
K- People should be coming soon
As I said that someone was knocking at the door it was our other friends Ava and Mia they come in and sat we talked a bit until Mia pulls out a cart. We smoked a little and waited until more people showed up but they never did. It was 2:00 am now and no one showed up so Mia and Ava went back to their rooms.

Me and Ace went to her room to get snacks I told my roommate I'll be back. We walked back to Ace's room while I was looking at the snacks she got I noticed she didn't have a roommate. I was going to ask then all of a sudden I feel something hit my ass. I turned around to see Ace.
A- It was too fat not to hit it
K- Don't start something you can't finish
She raised an eyebrow
A-What that supposed to mean
K- Like I said
Ace turns me around to face her
A- I could finish this
I look away in embarrassment
A- Don't look away now
We look deep into each other eyes then she kissed me I kissed her back. Ace started kissing my neck, I moan as she hits my sweet spot with my arms around her neck. A- You taste so sweet, baby
That made me crave her more. She starts taking my shirt off and throws me onto the bed. She looks at me and kisses me while beginning to take off my shorts
A- fat ma has been waiting for this moment hasn't she
K- she has for a long time
Ace takes her shirt off and starts eating me out, she stops for a minute to go get something out of her backpack it was an 8 inches strap she looks at me while putting it on.
A- come and suck it
I did as she said and spit on it and started to suck the tip and made my way to the bottom.
A- Baby you look too good doing this
She stopped me and lay me down and got on top she rubs the tip in my folds inserted it into me and starts fucking me.
I woke up to Ace next to me, it was nice having someone next to you. As I was staring at her I noticed that she had freckles, she was beautiful. Ace started to wake up and she looked at me.
A- good morning gorgeous
K-good morning daddy

This is my first one-shot and writing a sex scene.
Tell me how I did!
I do story request too!
Make sure to like this.

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