It's Just Your Attitude

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"Good morning." Stephanie padded lazily across the floor to wrap her arms around Elizabeth, who was making coffee at the counter, stepping onto her tiptoes to kiss her cheek from behind.

"Good afternoon. Do you want coffee?"

"Please." She kissed her shoulder and sauntered over to the breakfast bar, pulling up the newspaper on her iPad. Elizabeth set Stephanie's coffee down in front of her and turned back to make her own. She was wearing a plaid nightshirt and socks, her hair piled up on her head, and still Stephanie couldn't take her eyes off her. "You were...quite something last night."

Elizabeth smirked over the rim of her mug as she leaned cockily against the counter and met her gaze.

"Well, I figured there's no harm in mixing things up once in a while. Think I'm a pretty good dom top, to be honest."

"No notes from me."

"You seemed happy about it."

"Mhm." She smiled and began to scroll down the article in front of her, putting her glasses on and sipping her coffee. After a few moments she sensed Elizabeth's eyes on her. "What is it?"

"What?  Nothing."

"You're shuffling your feet. There's something bothering you."

Elizabeth hadn't even realized she was doing it; Stephanie knew all her tells. She looked up from the screen and narrowed her eyes slightly. Elizabeth bit her lip. She knew it was stupid but she couldn't shake the nagging thought at the back of her mind since the conversation in the bar last night.

"I was talking about you. Last night."

"Ok." She rested her elbows on the breakfast bar, holding the cup of coffee to her lips.

"I...forget it."

"Elizabeth. El." She hold folded her arms protectively across herself and was suddenly very interested in a scratch on the counter.

"Have you seen this mark?"

"Elizabeth." Elizabeth sighed and put her hands over her face. "My god, is it that bad?"

"No, it's just - I don't want you to think..."

"Will you just tell me?"

"They were asking if you were the only person I'd...been with."


"Brad and Robbie. Jessica."


"And I said that you were, and they basically thought I was crazy, like, how do I know you're the one and all this bullshit."

"Mhm." She took a long drink of her coffee, her face inscrutable.

"And I was so mad, but then..." she sighed and rested her hands on the breakfast bar, facing Stephanie. "Do you know?"

"That you're the one? No. I don't think there is a 'one', for anybody." She leaned back a little on the stool, stretching her back. "I think you find yourself in a situation with someone, and if you're lucky, you feel the same way about each other and meet each other's energy, and if you're very lucky that lasts a long time. Maybe a lifetime. And if not, you may be lucky and find a similar thing with someone else. And so on."

"Wait - so you aren't planning on being with me for the rest of our lives?"

"Certainly not the rest of yours. I've got quite a head start on you there, babe."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean. You're just - ok with the thought this could all end tomorrow?"

Linger (Part II of Some Kind Of Temptation)Where stories live. Discover now