Chapter 1

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May 1969 (I don't know exactly when Ian joins Deep Purple, but it's in 1969)

„Hey Jon...what are you doing?"

The organist looks up from his newspaper just to meet the bored eyes of the drummer.

„Can't you tell?" He then proceeds on reading the article.

„Mhm. Wouldn't you like to do something fun?"

Ian sat up on the couch and grabbed the ball, that is lying on the tv table and started squeezing it. Jon didn't react, he ignored Ian. Ian then threw the ball towards his head. Jon sighed and put the newspaper away and turned to Ian.

„Alright, what do you wanna do?"

Ian started smiling.
„We could go into a pub or somethin' like that."

„Yeah, we could do that." Jon was thinking about it. I mean it's like half past ten and I'm actually really tired, but on the other hand I don't want him to be sad.

„Okay, we'll go, but please ask Ritchie if he wants to come with us." Jon said.

„Oh great. Yeah I'll be right back."

Ian runs up the stairs of the house the band was sharing and goes to Ritchie's room. He knocks on the door.

„Come in" Ritchie sits at his desk. He is reading a newspaper and circles the ads which were showing singers or frontmen, who search for a band. Yeah, that is the problem right now. Deep Purple doesn't have a singer nor a bassist at the moment. Ritchie spends a lot of time searching for new ones, but it's not going so well...

„Hey Ritchie, Jon and I are going to a pub. Wanna join us?"

„Yes." Ritchie didn't even hesitate.


The three men walk down the street.

„Hey what about this one? I can hear really good music and it's just semi-crowded." Ian points to the pub that was on the other side of the street.

„Star-Club...Tonight with Episode Six. Basic name, but I barely heard of the band. Alright let's go in." Ritchie says.

There aren't that many people in the pub, but it's able to fit a band. Ritchie, Ian and Jon get a beer at the bar and then make their way to a place where they can see the band. They enjoy the music. Soon Jon is gone with some girl. One girl is trying to flirt with Ritchie, but he gives her signals that he isn't interested by ignoring her. He is more focused on the singer of the band. He turns to Ian and shouts at his ear

„The singer is very good, isn't he?"

„Yeah, I also noticed. Those high notes give me shivers." He screams back.

Ritchie nods. „Maybe we should talk to him later. Where's Jon?"

They turn around, but the beardy man wasn't nowhere to be seen.

„C'mon let's search him."

They find Jon sitting on a couch looking really annoyed, because the girl, that he'd go with dumped him. They first comfort Jon and tell him that it's okay. After he is relaxed they tell him their plans. He agrees, because he also thinks, that the vocalist has a fabulous voice.


The band plays their last song and when they finish the whole room was clapping. The three of Deep Purple clapped along, Ian was even whistling. The singer of the band once again walks up to the mic and says goodbye. The band goes away. After that more and more people leave the pub, but not Deep Purple they wait patiently for the band members to come out to drink their last beer, so they can talk to the singer. After 20 minutes, to their surprise only the singer comes out of the backstage rooms and sits down on the bar. The three slowly walk up to him. Ricthie is the first one to speak with the brown haired vocalist, because he really wants him to join Deep Purple and he needs to get the contact as soon as possible.

„Hey mate the performance of you and your band was really good."

The singer turns around with a confused look on his face.

„Thank you! HEY! Aren't you the guys of Deep Purple?" He stands up from his chair so he can interact with the band better.

„Yes, exactly. Ritchie Blackmore pleasure to meet you." They shake hands.

„I'm Ian Paice. I'm happy to meet you." Ian was smiling.

„Jon Lord. Nice to meet you."

„The honor is all mine. My name is Ian Gillan."

After the introducing they all have a little small talk until Ian Gillan says

„ So, I don't think the members of Deep Purple wouldn't come up to just to tell me my little band did a great job. What do you want?"

Deep Purple exchanges looks.

„Okay, we really think you're a great singer, we were really struck by your voice. Right now Deep Purple is in need of a singer and we thought you'd be a perfect fit. So... we want to offer you the position of the frontman and singer of our band." Ritchie explains

Ian is speechless Is this real?

„I mean... I feel extremely honored and I'm really happy about this offer, but I have to talk with my band first. I mean you seem really nice and I wasn't having it with others lately anyways. I'll think about it. But you shouldn't offer it any other singers." They all chuckle.

Ian Paice gives Ian Gillan a little hug, because he is very excited.

„It'd be so great."

„I hope you make your decision soon. By the way do you know any good bassists too?" Ritchie asks him.

„Oh yeah the one in my band. Roger Glover. He's a good friend and a talented bassist as well as a good song-writer. He also thought about leaving the band. I can ask him to join if you want." Ian responds.

„Sounds good" Jon says. „That would be very cool!"

„Okay, I'll tell him."

They all say goodbye to each and Ritchie gave Ian the address and telephone number of their home as well as of their studio. Everybody walks home with a smile on their faces.

„That's good. He seems like a really good, chill and fun guy. I'm certain he fits the band." Ian Paice says to his bandmates.

„I love your optimism, Paicey." Jon laughed. „But you're right. He's really polite too. By the way. His name's also Ian, so I suggest we call you Paicey from now on." Jon says

„I'm fine with that. And what do you think about him, Ritchie?"

Ritchie stops walking, turns around to see the brown haired singer walking the other way. He smiles a little, before he turns to his mates again.

„Everything you said."

Everyone smiles again. Then they proceed to walk home.

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