𝟏 🕷 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙞𝙧

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Aurora's pov

The cold autumn wind blew right in my face. My hands felt cold as I dragged the damn things. Indeed, I was glad to see the outline of Hogwarts Castle. I haven't seen this place in four fucking years. And those years were really fucking tragic. I know it will be hard, but I will be safer here, I know I will be safer here than anywhere else. The truth is that my father does not care about his children. When I came back to him, he didn't even ask where I was, how I was, what happened to me. Shouldn't the father who created me care where his daughter went for four years? No. He only contacted Professor McGonagall and arranged for me to be readmitted to the school. Father of the year. I try not to think about Lorenzo, but all I can think about is him. It's hard when your only relative doesn't want to talk to you... My sad thoughts were interrupted by Professor Snape. Merlin's beard, I don't miss him the most.

"Berkshire, you're late." He said in an angry voice and turned and walked towards the castle at a fast pace. Damn, it's going to be fun.

Lorenzo's Pov

I almost fell asleep in the Great Hall. The younger children were talking loudly, everyone was waiting for what that bloody hat would say. The truth is, I'm not interested. I feel like crap today. And I seem to be the only one who feels that way. All my friends were happy, talking to each other and eating delicious food. Except for Mattheo, he was never in a good mood. I hardly ever saw him smile. He is only happy when he is drunk or smoking weed. All the students looked happy, but I knew something was wrong, I could feel it in my whole body.

"Enzo, are you okay?" asked Dahlia, who placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt as if I had woken up from a trance. I nodded and turned my eyes to the plate of deliciously smelling soup, but at the moment I was completely unimpressed by it.

"Enzo and Mattheo, can you have fun for once? I've missed you so much and you're sitting there like you've lost your gold." Pansy spoke in a sweet voice. She always tries to cheer everyone up, but she's bad at it.

"Oh shut it Pansy, not everyone misses the fucking school corridors." Lilith said angrily and took a drink of pumpkin juice. I swear, even though I've known her for five years and I love her like all my friends, that girl annoys me. Suddenly, Filtch ran into the Great Hall, all the children began to whisper among themselves, our group of friends looked at each other. Filtch ran straight to Professor McGonagall. He ran up and said something to her, the professor nodded and smiled. She came forward and tapped the glass with a knife, asking the students to pay attention. Everyone in the hall fell silent.

"Students, I am pleased to announce the good news that has just reached me. This school year we will have a new student, who many of you already know." The professor said happily. I sighed. It can't be.

"Guys, are you thinking the same thing as me?" Pansy asked happily. But everyone was silent. Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall opened and everyone started whispering.

"We welcome back Aurora Berkshire with love and warmth! Aurora, join the Slytherin table." Professor McGonagall said happily, clapping her hands. Everyone turned to me and I just stared at her. Are you fucking kidding me?

Aurora's pov

Some students were looking at the Slytherin side of the table, probably at Enzo, while others were looking at me. My legs started shaking, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but there was nowhere to go, the huge door was already closed. The stares stopped as soon as I reached the table, everyone continued talking to their friends. I hesitantly looked up and the only one I was looking at was Enzo, but he wasn't looking at me. But at that moment I felt strong hands around my shoulders. I smelled that scent that hadn't changed in four years.

"Holy shit, my favorite Berkshire! Welcome back cousin." Draco said and sat me down next to him. Sitting next to me was Pansy who squealed with joy and hugged me.

"I thought you died. Aurora, darling, I miss you so much." She cried with joy. But I didn't say a word, my gaze was focused on Enzo. Suddenly he raised his head and our eyes met. There were many mixed feelings in his eyes. I saw anger, sadness, longing, love. But he didn't say a word. So I had to do it myself.

"Enzo." I said and nodded in greeting, Enzo licked his lips and nodded back with a sigh. I knew that Mattheo was sitting next to him, looking straight at me, but I didn't want to see him the most. I avoided his gaze, so I looked at the other people around the table. I met Theo's soft gaze, I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Theo..." I said softly. A wide smile appeared on his face and he nodded.

"I was sad without you, beautiful." He said in a muffled voice. The smile never left my face. I looked over at the guy sitting next to Theo who was looking right at me. Blaise. We never got along well, but this time he nodded at me and I did the same. There were two girls sitting in front of me: a blonde who was looking at me warmly and a redhead who was watching me with narrowed eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you seem to have missed us. I'm Lilith and that blonde Dahlia, we joined after you disappeared and hurt your fucking brother." The redhead said angrily. I closed my eyes and took a slow breath. Don't start, just not on the first day when everyone is watching your every move. I didn't say anything to her, but she decided to continue talking.

"Well, if you want my opinion-"

"I don't," I said angrily and got up from the table, looking straight into Lilith's eyes. "I have my own."

"I'm going to have a fucking perfect roommate." Lilith shouted as I left.

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Author's note

Here is the first part of this story. Has Aurora been experiencing drama since her first day at Hogwarts?:O I'd love any feedback if you're reading this story. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here, only your comments, support and votes keep me moving forward.

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