I just want to have fun

Start from the beginning

" Kenny ?!  Where did you learn such a thing ! a child like you shouldn't do this just like that especially to a stranger ! " Kamuro murmurs to me as to not cause a scene while the class looked at me shocked from my gesture.

Am I getting scolded?  I am not used to it It feels strange.

" It doesn't hurt anybody! I see adults and kids my age doing this all the time  and it never caused any problem ! " I mumble back and Katsuragi widened his eyes.

" Wait you're saying adults do this kinds of things in front of kid and worse let you do it without reprimanding you?" he asks surprised.

" Adults tended to just let us do whatever to be honest, you can swear, hit someone else on the face and they would let it slide under the oh it's just children playing together excuses." I explain to them.

" Damn I feel kinda bad for the kids in your town if that's true. "  Yamamura talks to me for the first time ever.

If only you knew half of the shit those assholes do... no I'm just here for a bit they don't need to know more about South Park.

I'm not responding anymore and just focus on the rest of the ceremony I feel some worried gaze on me but I don't react to them .

After what felt like an eternity the opening ceremony is finally over.

kamuro' s PoV

I'm  getting bored because of the opening ceremony, I decide to look around and sess little Kenny fidgetting around, it makes me curious and I want to ask what was the problem but katsuragi was the one to ask first, as usual Kenny mumbles but strangely enough I don't understand him at all this time, I find it really strange that sometimes he is perfectly audible then other time it's just impossible to understand anything he says.

I see Katsuragi face palm then crunch down and pick Kenny on his back... Ohh of course he can't see what was happening due to his height.

" Woah you're so tall !! " this time I'm sure everyone understood him as we all giggled seeing this cute scene, I think that the entirety of our class can't help but think that Kenny is a cute kid and right now everyone in our class were just looking at him warmly.

Did he just flipped someone off?! 

I walk next to Katsuragi who was as shocked as everyone else and I start reprimending Kenny

Kenny ?! Where did you learn such a thing ! a child like you shouldn't do this just like that especially to a stranger ! " 

He looks at me strangely like he is not used to being scolded.

"It doesn't hurt anybody! I see adults and kids my age doing this all the time and it never caused any problem ! " 

What the adults around him does stuff like that enough for him and his friend to follow on these kinds of gestures?! 

Katsuragi seems to feel as disturbed as me asks him "Wait you're saying adults do this kinds of things in front of kid and worse let you do it without reprimanding you? "  at this all of the class starts getting closer to Kenny waiting for his response.

"Adults tended to just let us do whatever to be honest, you can swear, hit someone else on the face and they would let it slide under the oh it's just children playing together excuses. " he mumbles back

What are the adults over his place thinking?! that's borderline negligence !

What makes this difficult to hear is that he says this back like it was a natural thing, now I definitely understand that the strange look I saw was one of surprise at being scolded.

Then I started to remember what Mashima sensei told us about him he was enrolled as a student, class A was judged as the best one to take care of him.

" I was in elementary school until last year but recently I was told I was enrolled in this school and that I had to come...

In my head a horrible scenario started taking place and I was suddenly extremely worried for him, silently I decided to help and protect him I'll do my best to support this little one.

It seems others arived at a similar conclusion than me as they had the same look on their face.

Arisu's PoV

sighh the opening ceremony was really long, I tried my best to not show my boredom, at least Kenny help with that though seeing a young child flipping of someone was quite the strange sight.

Now that it was over the class agreed to go back to our classroom so that we could finish what we were doing before.

I start walking toward the classroom but I suddenly feel a tug on my sleeve I look back and see Kenny looking at me.

" Are you okay? do you want to walk back with me?" he mumbles to me with his innocent eyes.

Usually I would be angry at being underastimated but seeing his expression I couldn't force my self to be angry about that.

"Fufufu my my you'll be my guardian then? alright then." I giggles 

He takes my hand and walk at my rythmn, despite what he showed during the ceremony he truly was kind though i'm certain he has done quite a number of shocking things for someone his age.

we don't really talk but I can tell he likes the calm atmosphere and he looks often toward me to see if I was alright.

After a few minutes we arrive to the classroom and now we are going to decide who will be the leader between Katsuragi and me.

Kenny's PoV

Oh now I remember this is why all of this is happening.

So basically my classmates got too heated and those assholes need me to be the tie breaker.

So what I need to choose between a cute girl and a man who has the physique to be a pornstar?
How am I suppose to choose I barely even understand why all of this is so important

What I was understanding though was that if I'm don't do anything it will end like one of my numerous death where they'll' tear me apart, while I don't mind being hold by the attractive girl with white hair, the green haired boy was really getting on my nerves with him spitting saliva in my direction.

I also have the chance to see Kamuro's incredible .... no stop it i'm not addicted to sex anymore I need to hold back on my instinct... but she really doesn't make it easy for me that's for sure.

Anyway I finally decide to do something.


My tantrum was so shocking that the whole classroom went  into silence.

I want to take advantage of the now shocked classmate and leave  the room but when I start going toward the door someone blocks me and I feel a huge pressure on me.

I look above me and see kamuro looking down on me ... pissed

" Where do you think you're going Kenny ... I think we'll need to have a loooooong conversation about your language and attitude... "

Is this what it feels having someone responsible looking after you and doing their job?

Welp that sucks....

Doneeeeeeeeeeeeee well I'll be honest I was not expecting such a nice following on such a dumb premise, Like I said I start playing the south park game and I thought what would happen if one of them got into a story where characters were overly serious for mundane things and I thought of COTE. obviously kenny was the easiest to Isekai so that's why he was the chosen one.

I really like writing this story and I hope you enjoy the mix of the two world for now. 
For those who wonders if Kenny is going to die I'll say... maybe  maybe not 

anyway it was the king of Bel and I hope you like this chapter too^^

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