🚀 Zuka Adopts a Feral Rocket 🚀

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      The boy messed with his fingers a bit and sputtered out, "Sowwy..." Zuka huffed a bit as the boy looked down at the ground, refusing to meet his eyes. This little brat was about to blow someone up over a jelly tart. That reminded Zuka a lot about himself when he was younger.

        Instead of thanking Zuka, the cashier got angry at him. "Is this rat yours!?" he pointed at Zuka. Zuka was shocked for a second, he just saved this guy's store. "No? You want me to let him blow up your display case? Cause I will," Zuka threatened as he hovered the launcher of the boy, who reached for it.

      The cashier instantly realized his mistake, "No! Sorry! Please, don't give it to him! I'll do anything!" Zuka heard the words "anything" and looked down at the display case. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage.

      "I want a banana nut muffin," Zuka ordered. He looked down at the boy, then at what he was eyeing. Zuka looked back up, "And I want a jelly tart. The strawberry one." The boy looked up at Zuka, almost betrayed.

       Not wanting to be blown up, the cashier gave the treats and let Zuka go free. "Come on, you are leaving too," Zuka nudged the boy out, making him whine a bit. When they got outside, the boy kept trying to reach for his launcher, but Zuka stopped him as he showed off the tart. Zuka saw the way his mouth drooled at the sight.

      "What's your name, kid?" Zuka asked as put the tart back. The boy shook out of the trance, "Rocket! Could I have that tart?" Not even a please? Zuka didn't like that. "Yeah, no," Zuka told him straight up.

      Not to his surprise, Rocket threw a small fit over not getting the desired item he wanted. "Jeez, kid. Who raised you?" Zuka asked as he lifted the launcher higher from Rocket's reach. "No one! I don't need anyone! I'm a man!" Rocket yelled as he jumped for his gear.

      That honestly explained a lot. That would explain why the little guy was skinny too. He probably hasn't had a decent meal in a while. Zuka shouldn't feel bad, he never does. There was plenty of orphans out there like this one, but why was this one so special to him?

      Zuka sighed in defeat as he lost the mental battle with himself. "You can have the tart and your launcher back after you eat," he bargained. Rocket stopped when he heard the word "eat". "Food?" Rocket asked.

      "A hot meal. Want it or not?" Zuka pushed for an answer. Rocket of course agreed. He wasn't dumb, he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to get a free meal.

      Zuka kept his launcher prisoner though. He walked them down the sidewalk, Rocket kept in front of him so he didn't lose track of him. However, it was going too slow for Zuka. Little legs like Rocket's were no match for Zuka, who could leave him in the dust with a total of six big steps.

      The older phighter grunted as he crouched down, "Alright, up we go." He lifted Rocket up and carried him. He started walking faster, now being able to pick up the pace. Instead of freaking out, Rocket began to stare in awe as he was being carried. Never had someone picked him up with this much care before.

      Last time he was ever picked up, he was thrown out into the pouring rain very aggressively. He remember taking shelter under an empty dumpster that night. He smelled like garbage for a week.

      Being carried with care was a new concept for him. He half expected for Zuka to toss him in the water, but that never happened. All Zuka cared about was getting himself and this random kid he plucked from the streets some food.

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