capture 2

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"Jeongin is a beautiful name! And it fits perfectly to you." The taller boy says with a smile. "Thank you? Hyunjin is a great name. But if I way can I ask why you wanted to sit with me? There is alot of open seats." The shorter boy says with a soft voice so he doesn't seem mad or upset. "Oh! I just wanted to sit next to you so I can ask you out!" "Wha- you? Want to ask me out? Why? How? Did someone told you to say that?" The shorter boy says very fast but enough to catch his word. "What? No I really want to ask you out. You are very cute and I was hoping if I can get your phone number?" The taller boy says with hope in his eyes.

"Yes! I-I mean yeah sure I can give you my number.." The shorter boy says while blushing a little but enough to let Hyunjin see. "Great!" The taller boy says white smiling and giving his phone to Jeongin. "Here this is my number. Save it." "I will, thanks again I will text you!" The taller boy says while getting up from the seat and leaving the Cafe.

"Wow.. he asked for my number! My number!! This is the first time this happened! I have to tell seungmin about this now!" The fox like boy says to himself.

◇Dog boy◇

                                                 ♡Fox boy♡
Seungmin! You will not believe what happened just now!

◇Dog boy◇
What happened? Did you get hurt?! Do I need to call the cops!?

♡Fox boy♡
What? No! Someone asked my number! And he was very i mean very hot!

◇Dog boy◇
What! No way!! Congrats Jeongin! Maybe we can invite him to the club! And we can invite felix and his boyfriend and chan.

♡Fox boy♡
I don't know.. what if he says no?

◇Dog boy◇
Jeongin i'm sure that he will say yes. He asked for your numbers for god sake! Why would he say no? Right??

♡Fox boy♡
I guess.. fine I will ask him.

◇Dog boy◇
Great! Meet you at 2:30~

♡Fox boy♡
Yeah yeah see you.

"I guess I will ask him when I get home. I hope he says yes.. or it will get awkward!" The fox like boy says to himself.

I hope this wasn't so bad! I'm not good with words 😭 I hope its okay 😭😭

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