Chapter 4

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It was the night of the play, Nyx and the other kids were doing their performance and finished singing, while Flora was standing beside Nyx with a smile.

Random guy: You stuck.

Flora: Mostly him. (Points a hoof at Alvin with a smile, even though no one beside Norman and Nyx could hear and see her)

Salma: I curse you accusers to die a horrible and gruesome death, and rise from your graves as the living dead!

Alvin and the other kids that were playing the accusers started terribly acting like they had died. Nyx and Salma rolled their eyes at the same time with silent scoffs.

Salma: You souls, doomed to an eternity of damnation!

They fell down, " dead ".

They then stood up, and started to surround Salma, Nyx picked up a pitchfork with the other kids said blankly said " kill the witch! " with the other kids with a bored expression. Nyx and Flora then noticed that Norman wasn't doing it, and he was looking at Neil.

Flora: ( walks towards Norman with a worried expression ) ( to Norman: ) Norman, are you okay?

When Flora touched Norman with her hoof, Nyx's suddenly saw everything changing into a forest, she quickly started to force herself to act calm, she then saw a little girl with hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as ice, wearing a pilgrim outfit, running away from a group of people in the distance, the girl then turned into a deer fawn, but after she did, a man raised his pitchfork and stabbed the small deer fawn in the back with it, the child letting out a pain filled scream. Nyx was snapped out of it when she heard Norman's scream.

Everything was back to normal, and she saw that Norman was off stage, and Flora was looking at Nyx worried.

Flora: Nyxie, are you okay? Why do you look so scared? What's happening?

Norman: The dead are coming!

Everyone in the crowd began mumbling, and Nyx heard Mitch say " Did he say the dead are coming? ".

Norman: Yes! The tree told me!

Norman looks back and saw Neil in the tree costume, Flora and Nyx looked at Norman with worry, and Nyx quickly glared at the crowd when she heard some people bad talking Norman in whispers.

( Slight Time Skip )

Mitch was driving Nyx and Neil home after the school play incident, Flora was sitting in the back with Nyx and Neil as Mitch was talking to them.

Mitch: I told you two that he was trouble. You guys don't need to be hanging out with weird people-

Nyx: ( defensively: ) How is Norman weird? Because he's trying to be himself? Because he can do something everyone else can't?

Mitch: Woah, what made you upset, sis? I'm just giving you guys a tip-

Nyx: Pull over. I'm walking home.

Mitch: No, way. I'm not going to let you walk home this late.

Nyx: It's better than sitting here, listening to you bad mouthing my friend all because he's different.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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