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After "it" taekook were cuddling then jk Said...
Jk: are you fine? How are you feeling now?
Tae: i didn't expect you to be that gentle while making love *kiss jk's lips*
Jk: was your thoughts were wlid.. you should have told i would have been rough*smirk*
Tae: shut up don't tease me *hug tightly* i never thought i would get a lovely husband like you who never lies, who never gets angry, who always be in right path, who never harm anyone...I'm lucky to have you will never lie to me right? Like others do?
Jk*in mind*: no princess I'm not wt you think...but trust me i will never take risk when it comes to you.
Jk didn't say anything and kiss Tae's forehead...
Tae: kookie wt will be our babies name?
Jk: babies ? How many babies you want*chuckled*
Tae: 5 babies*showed his 5 fingers cutely*
Jk*laugh*:are you sure you want 5 babies?*pinch tae's nose*
Tae: why you don't want? Bad kookie. I love babies do much...
Jk: i love the process*wink 😉*aish how many babies you want i will make that many with you happy?
Tae: yes so much happy...why don't you like mom*step mom* now don't be mad at me for this question...
Jk: tae let's sleep it's already late must be tired don't you ? Or want me to continue further?
Tae*pout*: no, let's sleep...or else i won't able to walk if i say yes...*hide himself in jk's chest*
Jk: why are so cute huh?
Tae: am i cute? Not hot and s*xy?
Jk: yeah you are hot and s*xy that i always wanna have you as my dinner..*tae became shy as jk started flirting with him*(like that taekook slept while talking)
On the other side...
*Hobi and Jimin reached village and came to basement where mr Kim and Mrs Jeon were found*
Hobe: mrs Jeon don't you have shame to go against your own son? Wt will he think of his own mother is destroying him huh?
Mrs Jeon: wt? I'm not doing anything wrong i am supporting mr kim that isn't wrong we are crime partner from childhood...and marrying mr Jeon was my biggest mistake i shouldn't have done it...
Mr Kim: true... I shouldn't have married that old poor lady*Mrs Kim*
Hobi: bodyguards...boss order us to torture them till they regret doing this all things to there own sons
Jimin: uncle taehyung trusted you so much and he loves you so much why are you doing this? Wt wrong did our bear did that he is surrounded by people like you...*teary eyes*
Mr Kim: oh pls don't start your drama i never liked him as my son... my only son was roy he is like me Playboy i thought tae to make just like him but he never got interest in this things he was like his mother innocent and dumb. I only saw him as my profit. I was going to sell him but that Jeon jungkook came in  between & saved him...then  kidnapped me but luckily i escape through my partner*mrs Jeon* must say you caught both of us *to hobi*
Hobi: shut up... guards give them special treatment...that they should beg for death...
Mr Kim: whatever you do...ahh *shout* you can't stop us from separating taekook.. if we both end up dying taehyung will leave jungkook anyways and when he comes to know him mother was involved in this he*jk* will be broken into million pieces..I WANT TO SEE JEON JUNGKOOK DEATH...HIS PAIN..HIS TEARS...I WANT HIM TO REGRET FOR KIDNAPPING ME...FOR SAVING TAEHYUNG I GOT SO MUCH LOSS.. IF I HAD SELL TAEHYUNG I WOULD HAVE GOT SO MUCH PROFIT*said like a pyschopath*
Mrs Jeon: you can't Stop us from seperating them...*laugh* this time taehyung will end up killing himself .
Jimin : you think jungkook is fool? That he will be quite after knowing your shity planning? No,never mrs Jeon you are wrong..he may lovee you as his mother but when it comes to taehyung he won't care about any...he will destroy the world for him and after knowing your truth who knows he may kill you by his own hands *smirk* let's see who the heck will wins..
Mr Kim: of course we will ahh..*scream in pain* you can't Stop taekook s...seperation and we will destroy Jeon jungkook...
Hobi: torture them to death...*left*
Jk woke up early morning as it's village had so many works but here our tae is still sleeping as he was tired last night and was not well having vomitings...
Everyone was there for breakfast but not taehyung...
Mrs Jeon*step mom*: Lia , go and call your brother in law gogo
Lia:isn't he awake? Lazy husband you have got jungkook come he gets tired and sleep without working not even eating his food by his own ...oppa have to feed him like a baby*roll her eyes*
Grandma: Lia wt yuki said do it ,don't talk nonsense... jungkook already told he isn't well so don't just pull argument...
Jk: Granny I'm not hungry you  all should eat... Don't worry about tae we will come when he feels better.*jk left*
Lia: how come oppa is Romeo for this so called brother-in-law.
Grandma: Lia you didn't let him have his breakfast peacefully?
Lia: but Granny I was just saying taehyung isn't good for jungkook oppa .
Mr Jeon: eat quietly all of you...
Jk came to see taehyung but didn't find taehyung anywhere...jk check inside bathroom tae wasn't there...jk check the whole house tae wasn't there his heart beat was keep on increasing and getting wierd thought...he was panicking wt if someone harm his tae...
Jk was getting mad so much angry as he couldn't find tae but finally found tae I'm backyard watering some plants...
Tae: kookie you came ? *Smile*
Jk rush towards tae and hug him tightly...
Jk: where were you? Don't you know i will get crazy if I didn't find you for a second huh? Why didn't you say me while going somewhere? You fine right?*check tae's temperature body* no one harm you right? Say something?*had some tears in his eyes*
Tae: kookie calm down why you crying *hug jk and rubbing his back*why are you getting tensed this much? I'm all fine see...and nothing happened to me . Why are you worried huh?*cupped jk's cheeks*
Jk: don't i have right to get worried? I searched for you in whole house but didn't find some wierd thoughts were coming in my mind... again don't do this if you want to go anywhere ask me i will come with you hm*kiss tae's forehead*
Tae: why you love me this much ?when your sister hates me . I heard everything wt she was saying about me was right...I don't do any work and gets tired are unlucky to have me *look down*.i just enjoy your money isn't it? And bother you?
Jk*kept his hand on tae's mouth*: chup.*hug tae* don't ever think like this about yourself never ever.She didn't really mean it. I'm most lucky person that I got angel like you.You never bother me understand. My love don't be sad and make me sad too. Everything will be fine just don't think this way. If you again say anything bad about yourself then i will punish you harder.
Jk: I LOVE YOU TOO. That never gonna happen. jungkook without taehyung is human without oxygen.
Tae: cheesy lines...from where did you learn?
Jk: after meeting you I have learnd everything as i should flirt with you isn't it .
Tae: shut up *shy* kookie carry me to dinning room taetae is hungry*cutely said *
Jk*in mind*: I'm damn sure he must be pregnant having mood swings who the hell cry then giggle then gets shy and act cutely...*jk carried tae to dinning room...*
The other side...
Yuna: hello?? Did you saw our target?
????: Of course he is damn beautiful...if that Jeon jungkook won't save taehyung i would have having him as my toy...
Yuna: oh just stup up your lust towards that boy... just keep eye on them...and tae will not be quite if you try to force him...i know him very well.
????: Why the heck you call just say that don't Annoy me *irritated*
Yuna: mind your language first. And In few hours I'm coming to Village. So are you ready with plan? I mean you didn't got caught right?
????: Nope, I'm not fool like you and Mr kim that I will be caught in seconds*smirk*
Yuna: wt ever just concentrate that we have to seperate them the way they end up hating eachother and never meet again.
????: Why not I will take taehyung far away after seperation...
Yuna: stop day dreaming...jk isn't any fool. So, we should be alert and first concrete on plan not on him *tae*
?????: Wt should i do next...
Yuna: for now nothing when i come to Village we will save mr kim and mrs jeon and destroy jungkook by killing tae . When jk will be broken then i will be there that time...
????: You can't kill that beaty Just like that*angry* you are like me day dreaming girl...
Yuna: whatever just our aim is to seperate them .
????*in mind*: but my aim is taehyung...
Yuna*in mind*: and my aim is Jeon jungkook...
With taekook...
Jk: baby eat slowly no one is taking your food*wipping tae's lips as tae was eating Messily*.
Tae: kookie i don't know why I'm feeling this much hungry...kookie i want more noodles pweas*puppy eyes*
Jk: no Means no you had enough again you do vomiting now let's go...
Tae: no, I'm going to say granny that you aren't giving me food .
Jk: wth? You litterly ate 3 bowls of noodles 🍜 and still hungry?
Tae: so wt? I'm hungry..give me noddles with jam it taste good ..
Jk: noodles with jam eww 🤢🤮

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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