Chapter :9

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Jk raise his eyebrow
Jk: wt did he say?
Tae: ntg bunny I'm hungry let's go
*About to go*
Jk*pull back*: i want to know Jeon taehyung don't make me angry
Tae*lean closer*: he said double bunny is jealous so he don't want to end his life .
Jk*wrapped his arms around his waist*: is that so ?
Yuna: ahem ahem we are in public place
Tae*in mind*: wt is her problem and why jk don't say anything to this bitch does this fucking jeon jungkook have feelings for her?
Jk: stop cursing me and let's eat.
Tae: yeah 😅.
Tae*Whisper*:why the hell she is following us can't u say her to go ?
Jk: who??..ahh..Yuna? Why can't you say?
Tae: ok then do this*whisper one plan in his ears*
Jk: wt no I'm Jeon jungkook can't do such cheap things
Tae:ok then don't come to me not talk to me, no cuddling,no hugs etc
Jk: this is emotional blackmail baby
Tae: i don't know anything if u want cuddling then do as i told*wink*
Taekook and Yuna went to one of the expensive restaurant as tae said
Yuna: let's order the food I'm very hungry
Tae: yeah yeah you came here for eating free food.
Yuna: of course not trash i mean tae i have so much of money
Jk: don't fight let's order*cold*.
They were eating peacefully then jk got message he check it was tae who message jk the message say
"Hubby excute the plane if u don't then you know no cuddling, no kisses"
Jk*in mind*: who told he is silent he is a little brat from inside but i like when he spent time with me so for that i have to do it .
Jk : Yuna you look beautiful in this dress just like princ..*jk was about further but tae got up from the seat *.
Tae*fake cry* : so my husband is checking on other girls that to infront of me you Chester don't come near me i will divorce you*sad and took Yuna hand back wantedly and left*
Yuna: huh?? Wt was that? Hey trash i mean tae it was my bag*shout*
Jk: don't worry i will see him and come you wait here*jk run behind tae*
As soon as jk came out of the restaurant tae held his hands and dragging jk towards car.
Tae: hubby drive fast before she come out*laughing*Jk started the car
Jk: sweety don't you think doing this with her was Wrong?
Tae: wt wrong? Why the f*ck she come with us to honeymoon and always touch you? I don't like when someone touch wt is mine i know I'm silent boy but not for everyone.
Jk: who told you are silent you are brat.
Tae*fake cry*: oh god my hubby who use to say he love me now saying this cute baby which is me that I'm brat God punish you by giving burnt food and tore clothes
Jk: are you for real ? You just make me do that cheap thing. Firstly you told to talk romantically with Yuna then u will comw out with her bag and we will escape so that she won't pay money and they won't leave her and you are so much i didn't believe u can eat that much*laughing*
Tae: so you are making fun of me ? And saying i only know how to eat and fat boy*fake cry*
Jk: yar when i told that? *Stop the car on Highway and pull tae on his lap*
Baby my cutie when did i say those and who told my baby is fat?
Tae: you *pout*
Jk: achha...I'm sry please forgive your hubby hmm see hubby did as u like
Tae: ok don't do it again or i will cry
Jk: ok my innocent princess*pinch his cheeks*
Tae: kookie can i drive?*still on jk's lap*
Jk: you know driving??
Tae: no i don't*giggling*
Jk: then i don't want to die this early with ur driving skills
Tae: wt do you mean jungkook
Jk*gulp* i mean later you can drive ok
Tae: i want to drive right now *jumping on jk's lap*
Jk: you are driving me crazy while jumping sweetheart*sweeting*
Tae: wt if i don't know the driving you are there to teach me na *smile*.
Jk: I'm there but i don't think i will be there once you drive *whisper*
Tae:kookie i will kiss you if you teach me driving deal 🤝??
Jk*wipped*: kiss ?? Ok I'm ready
Tae*in mind*: kim...I mean Jeon taehyung never loose now my hubby got in track*
Jk: first kisuu then teaching
Tae peck jk's lips and back off
Jk: that wasn't kiss *disbelief*
Tae: first you teach me then i will give
Jk adjust there position now tae is in between jk's legs the car seat was big enough that 2 people can sit . Jk was like back hug tae.Jk's hands were in tae's soft hands and tae's one leg is on jk's ,jk rest his chin on tae's shoulder sniffing his addictive scent.
Jk: this is the break when you have to Stop the car this is used hmm*kiss tae's neck*
Tae: ahh..*soft moan*
Like that jk was teaching tae how to drive but suddenly one car hit taekook car due to which tae's head hit to the string and faint
Jk: baby... Wake up wt happen? Who the hell dare to do that*angry*
The car which hit taekook car from that few means came with mask on there face and started fireing
Jk immediately took his gun from his back pocket and came out placing tae carefully inside the car.
Jk: *jk started shooting*: drop the guns right now or else go to hell*he was killing or shooting ruthlessly his mind wasn't working he only remember there boy harm his taehyung so he wasn't hesitating to kill.
Jk*killed everyone except one*: i alredy told drop the guns didn't i? You dare to harm jeon's property (tae) *held his collar*
Man: sir leave me i did wt i got order please leave me..
Jk: who the hell give you this work?
Man: m.. mr Kim..a..and mrs jeo... *faint*
Jk*kick that man stomach* : mr Kim tae's dad so my father in law is trying to harm my tae He will pay for it and wt was the other name mrs jeo?? I have to find out

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