Where Gold drops run bitter (Part 1) [📖]

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What's the expression on his face supposed to mean?

Del cried out loud when a sudden heat shot through the room and seared his face and body, his chest burning as he felt his Sun Pendant shatter against his body, Hukbalahap's screams the only other voice he could hear as the floor below them began to burn and crumble down the cliff and into heaps of burnt wood and debris,

Is it anguish?

Only a second after Hukbalahap's screams went eerily quiet, Phil began crying as well. Del could feel his body be thrown back to the rocky sides of what remained of the palace wing as the explosion's flame and smoke rose over the entire area, rocks and sharp pieces of wood being shot through the air by the explosion,

Or was it perhaps,

He struggled to open his eye, or what was left of it, as smoke began to fill the place, fire surrounded him as he laid injured on the ground, a large portion of his face burnt off and his chest and torso completely seared into a dark and ugly burnt color. It was hard to keep his eye open. It was hard to keep consciousness. There was a loud ringing in his ears; The distant sound of his mother's desperate voice as she searched for him and his brothers; Hukbalahap crying as she dragged about a leg half torn off, battered and pierced with countless stones that had sharp edges,





Martial woke up with a gasp, cold swear running down his forehead as he was suddenly awoken by a small fist shaking him awake. He wiped off the sweat and grime from his forehead and looked over to his side to see an unharmed baby Phil.

"Ku... Ah..." Phil whines as he continues to shake his brother with his small hand. Martial furrowed his brows and looked around.

"Phil..." Martial groaned as he tried sitting up, feeling a searing pain in his back and arms, "Where- Where's kuya Del? Where's mama?"

Suddenly, Martial hears a familiar voice cry out his name. He turned towards the familiar voice warily, eyes wide with dread.

"Mashie! Mashie!" Hukbalahap cries as she struggles to walk towards him. Martial noticed that her left leg had been completely torn off, golden blood dripping from her amputated limb.


Hukbalahap cries as she attempts to wipe away her tears with dirtied hands caked in blood and mud. The palace had been reduced to nothing but a wasteland of what was once a large palace that stood tall and grand. Now, it had become a plethora of wood and stone lit on fire as gassy puddles of oil and rain water moistened the already damp ground below.

Fire had surrounded them, but it wasn't as abundant as before due to the rain water on the palace's roofs. However, the horrible smell of miasma and smoke remained, and it made Martial want to vomit.

"Kuya Del..." Martial mumbled, loud enough for Hukbalahap to hear, "Where is he...?"

Hukbalahap let out a defeated sigh and shook her head, "I... I don't know-"

Suddenly, a loud cry ripped across the forest, shaking the trees and the ground itself as Hukbalahap fell to her knees and Martial covered his ears in a desperate to save his eardrums from bursting or himself going deaf. The cry was guttural and shrieking, as if a large bird had suddenly gotten injured and screamed its pain.

Phil cried at the ear-splitting sound, tugging on Martial's shirt as he felt his ears going numb with agonizing pain. He began to cry, as if to drown out the sound with his own. Hukbalahap writhed on the ground from the sound and the pain in her limbs, screaming and begging for the sound to stop, begging for whatever god out there that can hear them to save them from the pain left by the broken palace and the horrible noise.

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