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'do you want to come with me to the nearest free supply room?',

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'do you want to come with me to the nearest free supply room?',

Jace whispered in my ear as he came behind me, I moved my elbow back hitting him in the stomach, I went to walk away but he grabbed my arm pulling me back to him,

'what was that for?',

Jace asked slightly annoyed, I folded my arms and shook my head at him,

'is that all I am to you?',

I asked Jackson, he shook his head at me slightly in disbelief, pure confusion wiped over his face,

'where did that come from?!',

Jace asked me, I sighed slightly,

'I'm sorry I just feel like you just use me whenever you want',

I said trying not to get too angry, Jace quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the supply closet, he moved his hands to my face,

'hey look at me okay; y/n I care for you okay I am not using you'.

shadowhunters imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora