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'Jace I'm going out I'll see you later!',

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'Jace I'm going out I'll see you later!',

I yelled out as I picked up my things from the kitchen not knowing where Jace was. I picked up my phone and keys and headed towards our front door, I moved quicker as I heard Jace literally running towards me,

'y/n why you leaving so fast?',

Jace asked me, I tried to open the door but was quickly stopped as I got picked up off of the ground by Jace . He carried me away from the door before putting me down, he quickly looked me up and down his eyes quickly growing wide,

'would you like to explain to me why you are practically naked?',

Jace asked, I shook my head slightly,

'I'm going shopping with Izzy',

I said slightly avoiding the question,

'y/n you know I love you but you are barely wearing anything you are not going in like that'.

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