Cale was flabbergasted.

This was completely unbelievable.

"His reaction is completely understandable, I mean who wouldn't find it unbelievable if a god formed an alliance with someone"(C)


"It doesn't make sense"(B)

'Nothing about this situation makes sense.'

The White Star wished to become a god.

"He wished to become a god?!" (F)

"Is that even possible?!" (E)

"Of course not right? If it is everyone would be a god by now"(A)

"Is he just a god wannabe?" (B)

"Completely possible"(C)

"They dare mock our liege again?!"

"Do they not have any fear?!"

"Settle down, they will realize our liege's greatness once he appeared in the screen"

'A bastard like that cooperating with the God of Despair? That makes no sense.'

"He dared to call our liege a bastard?!"(Arm A) 

"Outrageous! "(Arm C)

Furthermore, the God of Despair wanted to cooperate with a human like the White Star?

That also did not make any sense.

'However, it is a possible future.'

"Just thinking about it makes me feel shiver down my spine"(J)


Cale now knew that the Hunters were behind the God of Despair, the White Star, and all incidents.

"Who are the hunters?" (A)

Zed's eyes trembled as he saw the word hunter.

'Looks like Jour's son will be involved with the hunters'

Zed looks at Cale who was sleeping?

He just turned his head back to the screen.

It was possible that the Hunters organization did something to create a world where the White Star and the God of Despair coexisted. Such a future was possible.

It was possible if Cale should fail.


The carriage stopped.

"that temple looks beautiful"(D)

They look at the temple with amazement

"We've arrived, young master-nim."

Ron respectfully announced before Cale got off the carriage and looked at the temple.

"It's beautiful."

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