The look of dread washed over her face.
"I don't think I'm ready for that yet."
Sam slaps his face with the palm of his hands as he shakes his head.
"Ok but at least visit her old house. Your old house, hating her for the rest of your life would only make you feel uneasy. You really don't want to acknowledge at least any of the good memories that you had with her?" He reasons. She only groans at him.
"I hate you Sam. But I guess I'll try visiting our old house." She says in final as a huge smile appeared on Sam's face. The smile of victory.
"Tadah! I finished the puzzle!!" Emi exclaims, startling the two adults as they looked down at her. Seeing her happily pointing at her finished and arranged puzzle.
"Good job Emi-chan!" Sam giving her two thumbs up as she smiles sheepishly.

☪︎⋆ ˚✩ ⋆。˚


She opens the door to her old house as she takes in just how dark and tranquil the house was.
"Ok. Kisaki face your fears." She tells herself before heading inside the house. No one has been in this house for over a year, she also found it weird why her dad didn't want to sell it as well when they moved out.

Kisaki took a deep breathe before going upstairs, her goal was to immediately head to her parents old room. She never step foot in that room ever since her mother committed suicide there five years ago. Was it so she didn't have to face the truth that she was actually gone or something way worser? Was she afraid to actually find something there that would change the way that she viewed her mother.

"Maybe I should just bail out..." kisaki mumbles to herself when she had reached her parents old room. Her hand already on the doorknob as the only thing left that she had to do was twist it. She just stood there silently, indecisive whether she should enter or not.
"Face your fears. Face your fears kisaki." She finally opens the door. The first thing that she was met with was a wind of dust, making her cough hysterically as she enters the room.
Maybe she should've worn a mask. The house has been unkept for over a year.

She looks around the room to see if she could find anything interesting. The room, not the bathroom inside it. Because she was scared. She didnt want to go inside there.
Kisaki searched the room for at least fifteen minutes but couldn't find anything interesting. Well besides her mothers old clothing. She was always interested in fashion, she remembers the time when she was younger and how her mother would like to dress Kisaki up in different clothing. That probably had something to do with why she loves cosplaying now as an adult.

"The only thing left is..." kisaki gulps.
Hesitant to enter the bathroom as it was the last place that she hasn't searched. But if she was going to get it over with, she might as well just enter the bathroom right then and there. And that's exactly what she did.

Her eyes quivers. It was as if she was hallucinating and could see her mother pacing around the bathroom. She hesitantly went over to the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. Her reflection changing. Her short black hair was now longer, the length up until her elbows. The same as her mothers. Her forehead had wrinkles, her under eye circles were darker now, the frown on her face the same as her mother's. Everything was the same as her mother. She was staring at her mother's reflection right now.

"NO!" Kisaki screamed out as she crouches down to the ground. Her whole body shaking in fear.
"Quick. I need to find something quick." She spoke, opening the drawers with shaky hands. There wasn't much inside the drawers besides a box tucked away at the very back. She quickly took it out. Seeing the box written with her name on it. The same box that Haechan found when they were searching for props a few weeks back.

She looks at the box peculiarly before opening it. Seeing a notebook inside with her mother's name on it. Himawari's journal.
Kisaki almost felt horrible for having to flick through it. She skimmed read the pages, seeing it filled with her mothers journal entries from the last few years. She was also able to see her name mentioned in the majority of the pages. Almost every one of her journal entries ended with; 'I'm sorry Kisaki.'

HIDDEN DISGUISES (l. donghyuck) ✓Where stories live. Discover now