"6 & Davidson Series" Vol#2 "Vicky's Bloody Dive" Roberto Dilemma

Comenzar desde el principio

     Now this surprises me. Yea they had some high dollar prices on them. But fuck!!! This guy’s in a panic over loosing this freaky shit. If I was into something that sick and disrespectful toward life, I don’t think I’d want my new tenants to know. Fuck the money. He’s a judge & lawyer, he’s got money. I would have thought they were someone’s that worked on the house, or the person that lived there before. At that moment I lost any respect I might have had for him. From then on he would be called Chumley, and treated like the “asshole” that he was. In the future he would prove, time and time again, this assessment was correct.

It seemed no matter his title, he was either used to being treated like the piece of shit he continuously proved he was, or (I can’t believe this) maybe he just let me, my brother, and our friends get away with treating him disrespectfully?

Chapter 2 I’m Getting there

    Well this house was picked out for a Few reasons. Number one, it was nice looking, homey and comfortable. Number 2, We could make a lot of noise.

    Number 3-It was big. It had a lot of rooms. We were going to have a band, R&B, Rock & Roll band.

These genre’s were eventually twisted into our own thing. Our own thing was loud, very fast, sloppy and soaked in, “various, Misc. Assort”. Which was a term we coined as meaning=Cheap wine, Usually, “Wild Irish Rose”, cheap booze & beer (generic/the kind that was $6.00 a case had a white label on it that said, “BEER” in bold black letters on the bottle) Swag weed, spicy Mexican, or 13 mile road choke weed. We smoked the shit out of it.  Last but not lest, cheap hallucinogenics. Micro-dot LSD, Mescaline (3 for $5.00) a very fun drug. Shrooms (when we could find them. ) Some members of the band were into prescription drugs. Anything that anyone could get fucked up on, or even the slightest buzz went very quickly. This left the script pill user left with only the necessary medication for a, “Condition”.

    I personally was the most responsible person in the household. That says something in itself.

So I kept cool, stuck to the trip and smoke. I usually had my own stash that the pill piglets, and wake and bake crew didn’t know about. We didn’t know about the hard, expensive drugs yet. We were still green.                Really what people would  call kids nowadays. But…it was, then, and we were brought up somewhat ghetto.

We really didn’t have a clue what normal was. It would be many a year, I was much older before I had even a slight Idea, I had to change.

    How we financed this whole endeavor is a strange story in itself. I won’t get into that at this point.

Let it suffice to say I was honest and creative. The band made money, but it wouldn’t have been enough to feed the group and our entourage of hanger-on folk that came and went. Plus get us the material to live this totally insane, gonzo lifestyle that at the time we considered a normal, Rock & Roll life.

    This was like living in a strange movie of some sort, (totally unscripted) Fellini, with a mix of “The Doors” and Cheech & Chong on steroids, a dash of old Ken Russell…directed by Tim Burton. (Movie/cinema buffs will understand this. If they don’t fuk’em they ain’t hip)

    Everyday was another strange and wild dilemma. Partying, Playing out, practice, inviting other bands for, “Jam Sessions”.

     Bar-ba-que everyday. It’s the only way any of us knew how to cook.

We’d bar-ba-que, anytime…the middle of the night, the middle of winter. We didn’t care. We used that quartered oak, in a big old round “Weber” that was Red. (it use to be my dad’s.)

"6 & Davidson Series" (True)  Life Stories By; Roberto DilemmaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora