r e m e m b e r

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I heard someone say waking me up, I ignored it for a minute and I finally turned around and saw that it was Wade. I quickly sat up somewhat startling Wade,

'woah what the hell!',

Wade yelled confused at my panic, I looked at him trying to remember everything that had happened last night,

'what do you mean what the hell Wade , did we actually sleep together?',

I asked wanting to confirm the idea that had formed in my head, he sat up and lifted the blanket to see our bottom halves, I looked under and saw that I was in fact naked, I looked over to Wade's bottom half and saw that he was as well. Although I think I may have looked for too long because Wade saw me looking,

'that was a long look y/n',

Wade said smiling at me, I smiled back,

'well there was a lot to look at',

I said pulling the blanket back down to cover ourselves,

'considering that neither of us remember our one night stand how would you feel about extended it to a 24 hour stand?',

Wade asked moving closer to me, I nodded head,

'I like to remember sleeping with the Wade Kinsella',

I said as I smiled at him, he got on top of me and almost immediately went under the covers kissing down my entire front. Chills went down my back as he began to kiss my hip slowly working his way down to my inner thigh,

'you will definitely remember'

hart of dixie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now