"This tram is bound for NEST. Do not exit until the final destination," an automated female voice spoke as they started to descend.

Jasper stared into the abyss of darkness. The lights in the tunnel were dim, creating little to no light. Remaining in the front, he folded his arms with his back turned to Leon and Ada.

"You know what I was thinking?" Leon spoke up after a moment of silence and turned to Ada. "I can't wait for the FBI to raid Umbrella headquarters and take those bastards to justice."

"I agree..." Ada started before adding, "but to be clear, you guys are not working in official capacity." Jasper listened to their conversation, deciding to keep his lips sealed. "This is a federal case. Once we get the G-Virus, I'm back on my own."

Leon turned to Jasper, looking the detective with a thoughtful expression. "Hey... Trust me?" Ada asked the cop.

Leon turned back to Ada and asked, "You trust us?"

"Honestly... If I didn't both of you would probably be dead," Ada admitted, making Leon and Jasper give each other a wary glance.

"Right..." Leon murmured.

"Look, I thought I might need your help... and I was right. If you guys can secure the G-Virus, I can make sure what happened in Raccoon City never happens again."

"Ada..." Leon exhaled and sat down next to Leon. "You said it yourself—This is a federal case."

"Leon, listen to me..." Ada started, glancing at her injured leg. "I'm a liability now. If I'm gonna finish this case, you are the last hope I've got."

It feels like Leon and Ada had completely forgot that Jasper was in the same room with them, not noticing the flames that practically fumed out of his head as he listened. He was so tempted to just take Leon away from her and claim him as his.

However, he refrained himself from doing so because: one, she is an FBI agent; two, he and Leon had spend a lot of time trying to save her; and three, he would go to jail for a long time. That's if they get out of this facility, that is.

Jasper peered over his shoulder to see Leon and Ada and payed close attention to their body language. "We're not just gonna leave you here," Leon said with disapproval. "What if you were attacked? What if you needed our help?"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," Ada reassures him as she placed his hand on the cop's knee, indirectly making the detective clench his jaw tightly. "I gotta see this through... I got plenty to live for. Trust me."

The detective saw Ada leaned forward and panic shot through him. He quickly looked through the window and saw that they were nearing their destination. He took this opportunity to interrupt the woman's actions before she could complete them.

"Hey!" Jasper called out, grabbing the blonde's attention. Ada turned to the detective quickly with a frown, annoyed that she had been interrupted no doubt. "We're here."

"Now arriving at NEST," the automated voice announced once more, as if it acknowledged the detective's move.

The cable car slowly came to a stop. "Go," Ada commanded. "Please. We don't have much time." She reached down to her wrist, unwrapped the wristband, and handed it to Leon. "You're gonna need this."

Leon nodded. "OK."

"Let's go," Jasper notified him and Leon followed him to the door.

"Hey..." Ada interjected before they exit. "I'm counting on you guys."

"We know," Leon responded before he walked forward to open the door. To the left, there were stairs that travelled down. "You ready for this night to be over?" He asked the detective.

Living Nightmare | Resident Evil 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora