Author's Note

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Hello! I first came up with this long-standing story four years ago in a dream. Since then I decided I would write it as a novel and put all my other novel ideas on hold until I got this one finished. A lot of work, love, and inspiration went into this piece, and I hope anyone and everyone can give constructive criticism and comments as I'd love to get any help making this first draft better.

Even though Aqie is the original inspiration character for this story (and is the one the hopeful potential series will follow), Natan took way more of the story in this first draft, and both of them took almost until the end to show me that the theme was not what I thought it was about. So if you could help me tinker with the emotional plot and pacing, and point out what things you think could or should be improved, I will be extremely grateful.

I'm planning to post this and then immediately start working on a second draft with the new emotional plot points and themes and voices in mind, so please bear with me when I update chapters with drastically changed events in the beginning. I will update SLOWLY as school and life mean I don't have much of a backload, but the first four chapters should be updated with the second draft version.

Thank you all for reading and choosing to comment or not on my first major story. I hope and pray it does what God wants it to, and it will glorify Him as God taught me.

Grace and peace,

Manahsai Sum Siluhthiy

Manahsai Sum Siluhthiy

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