Mulai dari awal

" the food too" Itto commented, making everyone laugh at his remarks

" it's definitely a start" Childe comments, glancing at you

" now I assume everyone has a card right? You can flip it over and that's the game for today" the reporter gave a thumbs up

Everyone obeyed, flipping the card over simultaneously, you reading the contents

The game was ' never have I ever' you were familiar with the game

" ooo! Exciting!" Keqing jumps slightly, showing the audience her card

" exciting indeed" you laugh, dreading the questions ahead. It could be for pure humiliation or scandalous

" okay! let's begin"


" never have I ever been hungover" the card in front of you displayed

Itto || yes
Childe||  yes
Keqing || yes
Lumine || yes
[y/n] || yes
Diluc || yes

You look around and see everyone with a yes sign, " Diluc!?! You can get drunk?" Itto couldn't believe his eyes when seeing his sign, sharing his thoughts out loud

" are you lying!" Keqing and Lumine pointed at a silent Diluc

" everyone has gotten drunk before. Why am I any different?" Diluc chuckled, thinking it wasn't out of the norm

" because we've never seen you drunk before" you comment, in disbelief as well

" well that's a change" Childe laughed, anticipating the next question

"Never have I ever been in a physical fight"
Itto || yes
Childe||  yes
Keqing || yes
Lumine || no
[y/n] || yes
Diluc || yes

" that's no surprise" you look at everyone's card

" what about you Lumine? Why not?" Keqing looked at Lumine's sign, " I try not too" Lumine winked to the girl

" well I bet Itto fights for no reason" Childe made a comment, looking up at Itto

" hey! You shouldn't be talking!" Itto sounded wounded, pointing at the man

" yeah right" Diluc decides to intervene, making Itto fake a cry

" never have I ever catfished someone"
Itto || yes
Childe||  no
Keqing || no
Lumine || no
[y/n] ||  no
Diluc || no

" BWAHAHAH" Childe immediately pointed at Itto, laughing till his sides started to pain him

" seriously Itto?" Keqing's tone was sarcastic as she really couldn't believe the man

" it was a one time thing okay!?!" Itto was clearly embarrassed, hiding his face, your lips cracking a sneer here and there

" whoever was the victim I feel sorry for them" Diluc crossed his arms in dismay

" hey! That's mean you know" Itto fake cried

" let's just read the next question, I can sense Itto's pain" Lumine smiled to everyone

𝗙𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗜𝗧 𝗔𝗟𝗟. ™Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang