✨Faded heaven✨

Start from the beginning

Somewhere in Seoul.

A black Mercedes swiftly run on the roads of the city. Taking sharp cuts while focusing on both sides with their sharp eyes.

Behind the Mercedes, many black cars following suit on their each steps. But the fact is that, those cars are not only following but---

"Fucking hell! Mfs are shooting like there's no tomorrow!"

The male on driver seat roar with a dangerous frown on his pale face. The other male beside him is already firing through the window while cursing one's in a while.

"Boss? We can't handle them all alone. They are here with full planning...some fuckers must have given them the information"

The male seated on the back seat of the Mercedes beside the 'boss' growl frustratingly while firing the bullet on one of the car's window, making the car suddenly slide on the road without an balance.

"Good job RM! Hobi? Take the other one fast!"

The male hobi nodes through the words before he made the target come to his gun's point and fired through the tire of it, making the car jump in air before rolling down on the ground.

But it's still not enough. There are plenty of them following.

"Boss. We're really very dreadful to say this but--- i don't think we can take them all. We don't have back ups and if we let it slide like that, they will catch us in no time"

The male on driver seat stated while focusing on the road and taking sharp turns when needed.

The boss, who's sitting in the middle of the back seat with a hat on his face slowly sat up straight and the hat fall down.

From those milky white forehead being on full display with little strings of hair to those dark iris boring hole on the road. His sharp nose twitching in annoyance when the bullet shoot right next to his body making him clench his feared jaw.

He swiftly stood up and open the car door without any delay. The driver make widen his eyes on the movement of his boss before eyeing the front.

The jet black haired male quickly aimed the cars behind him before shooting them one by one without an rest,making the car flies in air.

His body balancing through the open door while hands are busy firing with dangerous glint in his dark gaze.

In no time, the cars were gone layed flat on the road.

"Stop the car in here"

The dark haired male growl lowly in his throat and Yoongi quickly stopped the car in some nearby place and the boss got out.

"Go and find a place to stay for now. They are gone but in no time, others will be back. Call me next morning"

"But boss. Will it be okay? What if they tried to know about you-"

"Namjoon.... Are you forgetting that--
I'm the mafia king... people fears me for a reason... Now drive off"

Stating that, the dark haired male was faded in the dark bushes. The trio also drive off to find some places to stay the night. They come here for some business deal without any back ups.

They are more than enough to take even thousands of people down but for now they don't wanna take risk. The police and government is already on their noses, digging everything about them.

It will be waste of energy if they gave out more.

The Jeon Jungkook, Mafia King of Korea and the most feared in the whole Asia, actually is walking on the dark road with nothing but a single gun in his hand.

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 |𝐊𝐕|✓Where stories live. Discover now