2. The search begins

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(Warning ⚠️ R@pe mentioned it's not explicit but still if it triggers u I put a time slot on when it happens. Take care and happy reading😭)

The police knocked on the Marsh's door. "I'll get it.." Randy said and ran over to the door. "Hi we are hear to help search for your missing son." One of the officers said. "Yes......um come this way." Randy said on the verge of tears. The police fallowed Randy to the living room, where Sharon, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters were sitting on the two couches hugging and crying. "The....police are here.." Randy said. And the Three boys and Sharon looked up with glassy eyes. "Okay...may we see a photo of Stan?" The police ask. "Oh of course here."

Sharon said with a sad smile, handing the police the picture of Stan smiling happily. "Okay thanks, don't worry we will find him ok? We will do everything we can. We can make posters of him and the news will talk about the case and we can start looking for him today." The police said. "Ok...thanks" Sharon said and they all left with the police to start the search. They searched for Stan for hours and hours going back to the same spots but they couldn't find him, no matter where they looked.

It was getting really dark and started raining so they decided to call it a night even though it was very painful they had to take a break. But they didn't give up hope yet...they still had hope that Stan will be found and everything will be ok. But no. "Where are you Stan?" Kyle said under his breath tears rolling down his face, he wiped them away with his sleeve. "Hey do you three need a ride to your homes?" Randy asked. "Yeah...sure thanks." Kyle said.

"If you don't mind..thanks" Butters said. "Yeah that would be great thank you." Kenny said. "Ok let's go.." Randy said as they all hopped into his truck, Driving the three boys home before driving him and Sharon back to his house. He started crying, Shelley came downstairs and sat beside him she too had been crying wanting her brother back.

They both hugged and cried Sharon came into the room and joined the hug. "It will be ok...we will get him back..." Sharon said in tears. "How.....do you know that mom what if we never find him? Or what if we find him and he's dead?" Shelley asked. "We won't stop looking until we find him and please don't say that we will find him alive I feel it in my heart." Sharon said. "I need to go use the bathroom..." Randy said with puffy and glassy eyes. "Ok.." Sharon said. Randy leaves the room leaving Sharon and Shelley. They passed out from crying that night.


Stan woke up from a dream a dream that he was found and Kyle hugged him....and kissed him. And that he was finally away from this dump. But none of it was real because when he woke he was back in that awful basement, cold and hungry. He cried silently wishing to get out...maybe he can find a way out?? Just then the door to the basement opened and the man came down the stairs. "Here." He said throwing a piece of plain dried out bread.

"Eat that and then I'll unlock the chain so you can do some chores and don't think about running away the front and back door is locked so are the windows and I have security cameras installed, I'm going to be looking at those all the time when you are cleaning and if you try running away, or don't do a good job in cleaning then you will be punished do I make myself clear Stanley?" The man said.

"Y-yes.." Stan said. "Ok good I'm going to unlock the chain now and then you have to fallow me...if you choose not to fallow I will have a leash put on you with a shock collar." Said the man Stan nodded his head with a scared look on his face. The man unlocked the chain and Stan fallowed him out of the basement to a washroom that looks like it hasn't been cleaned over 5 years, it was very stinky and was dirty everywhere.

"Ok clean this up here are the cleaning supplies and when i come back you better have the whole bathroom clean or else." The man said then he left. Stan started scrubbing the bathroom as fast as he can, worried that the man will do something bad to him. When he got to the toilet and open the lid he was engulfed by the scent of shit filling his nose and he looked down to see a fat load of shit in the toilet, unable to flush it down he had to scoop in there to get the poop out into a garbage bag..thank god he was provided with gloves.

After he was done cleaning the toilet and it was able to flush again, he worked on the sink making sure it was fully clean and all the things were put properly away. Finally after 7 hours he finally finished cleaning the bathroom and he thought he did a pretty good job. And just in time because the man came back into the bathroom. "Hmmm not too bad you did pretty good Stanley...ok you can take a break from cleaning now I will make you some food. Said the man and he left.

Stan was thankful that he gets food now because he was starving. '𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦...' he thinks to himself. The man came back with a small bowl of KD for the boy to eat. It wasn't the best but at least it was better then that stale piece of bread. So he ate it all up. "Ok now fallow me back to the basement." The man said but Stan really didn't want to go back down......there. "No!" He said.

"Do you remember what happens when you don't fallow me and agree? You get punished come now!" The man said but Stan was tired of taking orders from a messed up man, so he got tough and he stood his ground. "I. SAID. NO. YOU. PIECE. OF. SHIT." But he immediately regretted what he said fear welling up inside of him. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??!!" The man yelled at Stan. "I...nothing...I didn't say anything I promise.." Stan said in fear of something bad happening to him.

"I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID!" The man said stomping over to Stan and grabbing him by the ear. Taking him to a room...a dark....cold and empty room. (⚠️𝗥@𝗣𝗘 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲.) and taped him to a table and removed his clothes and that's when he did it...he r@ped Stan... (⚠️ 𝗿@𝗽𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀) then after he got clothed again and gave Stan some clothes and took Stan by the ear back to the basement where he put a shock collar with a leash on him. "There now you know the consequences to your actions." The man says evily smiling and left Stan in there. Stan cried he couldn't believe what had happened to him..a few minutes later he pulled on his shock collar but it shocked him the pain was unbearable.."P-Please find me soon...y-you have to..before it's too late." Stan mumbled to himself.

A/N: I hope you liked chapter 2 to this upsetting story I mean you read the description so yk what u are in for haha....sooo ik it's pretty dark and upsetting but dw the end will be happy.. you just have to make it through it until the end. And I spaced it out more and went back on the first part and spaced that one out more because someone said how it can be difficult to read so I hope you can read it better now. So ye take care and drink ur water 💧! Bye peeps!

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