Chapter 1

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The rusty iron gates creaked open, revealing the sprawling estate of Hilltop Manor. Nora's heart raced as she peered out the window of their old station wagon. Her green eyes widened in wonder, taking in the ancient stone walls and ivy that climbed up the sides like veins. The wind whispered through the trees, their gnarled branches casting eerie shadows on the ground.

"Wow," Nora breathed, her curiosity piqued. "This is where my great-grandmother lived?"

"Indeed," Cassandra replied, her brown eyes meeting Nora's in the rear view mirror. "Hilltop Manor has been in our family for generations."

As they pulled up to the entrance, Jack turned off the engine and stepped outside, stretching his tall frame. He surveyed the manor with a wary glance before offering a hand to his wife.

"Shall we explore our new home?" he asked, a supportive smile playing on his lips.

"Absolutely," Cassandra said, accepting her husband's hand with a soft squeeze.

Nora followed closely behind her parents as they crossed the threshold and stepped into the dimly lit foyer. The air inside was heavy with the scent of old wood and secrets long buried. Massive portraits adorned the walls, each face a testament to the lineage of the Everwood family. Nora couldn't help but feel an uncanny connection to them, despite her limited knowledge of her mother's side of the family.

"Mom, do you think they've ever know, curious about this place too?" Nora asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cassandra hesitated, her gaze lingering on a portrait of a stern woman with hauntingly familiar green eyes. "I believe curiosity runs deep in our family, Nora." The unspoken weight of her words hung in the air between them.

They continued exploring the manor, walking down ornate hallways lined with flickering candles. Shadows danced on the walls, casting an eerie glow on the faces of the ancestors immortalized in oil and canvas. Nora's unease grew with each step, her overactive imagination conjuring images of spirits lurking just beyond her sight.

"Is there a library?" Nora asked, trying to distract herself from her growing anxiety.

"Of course," Cassandra replied. "Your great-grandmother was an avid reader, much like you."

Nora smiled faintly but couldn't shake the feeling that the manor held more secrets than she could ever uncover. Her heart pounded in her chest, her instincts screaming for her to turn back. But she refused to let her fear get the better of her. She was determined to learn about her family's past, even if it meant facing the ghosts that haunted Hilltop Manor.

"Let's keep going," Nora urged, her voice steady despite her racing thoughts.

"Alright, sweetheart," Jack said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder as they ventured deeper into the manor, unaware of the mysteries that awaited them.

As they rounded a corner, the sudden creak of a door startled Nora. A sharp-featured woman in her late sixties stepped into the dimly-lit hallway, her brown eyes scrutinizing the family. Her graying hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and her hands, though weathered by time, still displayed a certain strength.

"Ah, you must be Margaret Finch," Cassandra said, extending a hand.

"Indeed, I am," Margaret replied, her voice carrying an air of authority. "I have been expecting you, Mrs. Everwood. Welcome to Hilltop Manor."

"Thank you," Cassandra said, glancing at Jack and Nora. "This is my husband, Jack, and our daughter, Nora."

"Charmed," Margaret said with a nod. She then turned to Nora, her gaze lingering on the young girl's face. "You have your great-grandmother's eyes, dear."

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