Chapter 5: It felt so real

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A day passed and Sonic felt guilty about the conversation with Shadow, even if it were more of an argument. Sonic knows he can't really get a hold of Shadow without the help from Nine but he also doesn't want his fox friend to use this a reason to make him stay in this .. messed up reality. He just needs to find Shadow, and make amends, and plan a way to get home, nothing more.
Sonic took a deep breath as he sat upon a stool Nine had previously allowed him to borrow whilst he worked. Nine glanced over at the azure hedgehog, curious at the sudden lack of noise.
"Are you alright Sonic?" The fox questioned, as he went back to work. Sonic snapped from his daze and gave an uncertain chuckle. "Erm, yeah, sorry, I must've spaces out! Maybe I'm just tired." The hedgehog gave a fake yawn to sell the act. Nine hummed. "You can take the beanbag or go sleep in my room for the night. I'll be working on a project of mine for a while anyways." Sonic smiled. "Thanks buddy! I'll be in your room if you need anything." Sonic spoke as he exited the main room.
Sonic walked down the hall, following the room light as he entered. He's been in the room once or twice but never slept in it as Nine always forced him to the coach or beanbag. A change of comfort is just what Sonic needed, and a full night of rest, his problems today could be worried about the next day. Sonic took off his shoes, yet stayed in his socks as he laid himself on the mattress. The bed immediately folded around Sonics body, welcoming him into the mattress. His bones in his back, near his shoulders cracked, yet felt good. The blankets provided the best warmth Sonic could ask for, he would never leave this bed if he had the choice.
Sonic closed his eyes rethinking different scenarios between he and Shadows argument. However, the sleepy hedgehog passed out after his first scenario, not having the energy to dream about anymore.
A loud thrash awoke the hedgehog after he had been hours into his sleep. At first he decided to ignore it and go back to sleep, being the light-sleeper he is. However, once he heard an all too familiar voice his body jolted up and his eyes opened wide. The sudden movement made him cough on his saliva and caused his heart to race a bit too much.
Sonic threw the covers off himself and tip-toed out the door. His head turned the corner. Nine held up a wrench, threatening whoever came close to him. A shadow lurked to the side of the fox. A hedgehog. Sonic immediately knew it was Shadow, yet decided to wait before emerging from his spot.
"I already told you, I haven't seen Sonic!" Nine groaned as he now stood up from his work chair, wrench remaining in his hand. Sonic took note at the hostile situation. "Stop lying fox, I just need to speak to him." Shadow responded. The two had a pause of silence. "Why?" Sonic could've sworn he saw Shadows eye twitch in frustration. "None of your business, I'll ask one more time, Where. is. Sonic?" Shadow bared his teeth. Nine remained silent. Shadow took a deep breath and exhaled it. Nine remained in a defensive position, ready to protect himself if needed. Shadow however turned his body and started to walk towards the hallway Sonic was hiding near. Nines eyes widened in fear. "Wait-" He spoke and grabbed Shadows arm, preventing him from moving forward.
    Sonic wasn't quick enough. A swing made contact to Nines face, sending him crashing into his project, breaking it into bits and pieces. Sonics eyes widened in shock as he emerged from his hiding spot, wanting-no, needing to help his friend. But he was too slow. A chaos shard stuck out Nines chest, blood dripping so slowly, as if to mock Sonic for being too slow to save his friend. "Nine!" Sonic yelled in fear. He eyes so wide they might enlarge his whole face. Shadow smiled. "Oh- but aren't you supposed to move on Sonic? People come and go, isn't that what you said?" Sonic stared at Shadow in shock and disgust. "He was a kid Shadow! Whats your-" Shadow shouted over Sonic. "Maria was too! She was just a kid!" Both Sonic and Shadow had a massive stare ofd, Sonic had tears leaking from his eyes, making a stream down his face. Shadow held another chaos shard in his hand, twirling it around, before throwing it fast, and hard towards Sonic, once again the hero was too slow, it hit him in the shoulder. Another one, same spot. Sonic groaned in pain, many more lodged their way into the azure hedgehogs body, making him look like a messed up dart board.

"It's okay Sonic.. this.. it's just apart of life." Nine gasped out his last breath. Sonic wiped his head, eyes looking like flying saucers.


"Nine!" Sonic breathed in hard. What. Where was he? Sonic held his head as it started to spin, whats going on? Footsteps approached the room, sounding loud and frantic. "Sonic? Are you okay? Why are you yelling and crying?" Nine asked too many questions all at once. Sonic sighed in relief as the room had stopped spinning. He looked up at Nine, and noticed he was okay. Thank chaos. Sonic widened his eyes, NINES OKAY? He bolted off the bed, checking his friend for his previous injuries. He sighed in relief as his fox friend was healed and well.
"Oh Nine, I'm so sorry! I should've been faster, Shadow came and he hurt you and I- I should've been there, but you healed so quick!" Sonic explained and hugged Nine, but soon released from the hug, wiping his now joyful tears.
Nine stared at Sonic in confusion. "What are you talking about? Who's Shadow, plus nothing happened, you just started screaming out of nowhere, yelling my name." Nine explained to Sonic who was equally as confused. "Huh? But- it felt so real, theres no way." Was I dreaming? Surely not. "I think you just had a nightmare Sonic, after-all I'm fine, nothing happened, and if you don't believe me you can go look for yourself." Nine said. Sonic shook his head. "No-no I believe you, maybe I just needed more sleep than I thought." Sonic smiled, even if it were fake. Nine gave an awkward glance to Sonic. "Right, well if you need anything I'll be in the main room." Nine informed and gave one last glance to Sonic as he left the room.

Sonic held his head. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Just sleep it off like you always do Sonic. Sonic listened to his thoughts and pulled the covers over his body once again, breathing out his emotions and closing his eyes once more.


A/N: I know I haven't posted in forever, but I've been interested in other hobbies and have a lot on plate. I'm not sure how many chapters I'll post within this month but hopefully I'll be more active and start getting some more out for you guys!

Word count: 1220

Date: 10/2/23

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