
And all that it had to offer, in time you will see that love won't let you down.

"Hey Donny, so... I see your birthday is in a couple of minutes, you're gettin' old on me man." She cracked a joke, Donald laughs, but not too loud to wake his parents up out of their slumber.

"Shut up, Bessie Mae. You ain't too far from me! What are you doing up anyway? We do go to that same school tomorrow, na don't we?" Donald inquired, he wondered why Monica was up this late, usually by ten, her lights would be out, and so would she.

"I took a cat nap, I woke up not too long ago and I realized it was still the same day, so I just woke up, snuck a snack and called you." She explains.
Raising a brow, he says "Oh so you only called me out of boredom— wow Monica, that's cold."

"Chile boo. I called to talk to you, you act like you had something to do anyway, stuck in that room all day— no tv, no music, just plain walls and posters." Says Monica, she giggled at Donald's scoff.

"Okay... maybe I am a little bored— but I'm not anymore. What have you guys been up to lately?" Donald admitted, his eyes ping ponged up and over to his birthday outfit his mother wanted him to wear to school tomorrow. They were able to get it for him from the Dillards outlet yesterday afternoon before it became cloudy.

It was a multicolored striped polo shirt, dark blue denim jeans that were ironed and starched, with a brand new pair of Reebok classics. Truth be told, he did not want to dress up for his birthday at school— it's not like anyone would care about it, he was just the weird church boy in the ninth grade, his parents were already making him match with his brothers at Sunday service, dressing up at school like he was in kindergarten made him mark September 29th, 1983 as the worst birthday of all birthdays in his journal.

You said that you loved me, said hurt only came  to pass me

"Nothing much, I'm flunkin' bad in Spanish— I barely got through the months and any of the numbers past ten. Mike's trying out for the basketball team soon— I'm sure he told you that. Shannon and Denise are still fighting nonstop, but I think Denise is going to try out for the cheerleading squad, Shannon might go for the student council team . Mama and Daddy are... Mama and Daddy— so I guess you could say my life is at the beginning of the roller coaster— nothing too excitin'." Monica told him. He chuckled as he thought back to the numerous arguments that he had witnessed whenever Denise and Shannon would be around.

He had Algebra and Biology with Denise— Biology with Shannon as well, it amused him that they were the best of friends and acted like they hated eachother most of the time, it kind of reminded him of Michael and Joel. They would argue over who's the best football or basketball player— they even argued over who was Donald's actual bestfriend, but they were like his bonus brothers at the end of the day.

"Hmph. I think you should try out for something. Maybe track— you run pretty fast, I think you can make it. Maybe you should run for the student council too, you can argue your behind off." Donald suggested, Monica sucks her teeth, shaking her head side to side.

"Donald I have twigs for legs, those girls on that team will smoke me out, I got a little speed— but not enough to be on the team. And besides... they don't accept the underclass students— and with the student council, that's too big of a responsibility so I'll pass." Monica shakes her head disapprovingly as she started to pick at her nails.

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