chapter five

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It was a little after ten, according to my alarm clock, mama and daddy were settled in for the night and Mikey was probably playing Donkey Kong on his Atari, eating up all the snacks he had leftover from earlier in the pool

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It was a little after ten, according to my alarm clock, mama and daddy were settled in for the night and Mikey was probably playing Donkey Kong on his Atari, eating up all the snacks he had leftover from earlier in the pool. I settled with a glass of water and chocolate pudding. They both sat on my nightstand next to my phone and other things.

I sat in front of my white vanity desk, like the ones superstars have in their dressing rooms, daddy put together mines for me the night we moved in. The orange rat tail comb moved across my hair as I wrapped it up in a doobie wrap with clips like how mama taught me. I hope she'd soon teach me out to straighten my own so I won't have to suffer from her steam burns anymore.

I ridden my hands of the Blue Magic grease from my hair from when I took my braids out and I slid my purple silk bonnet onto the top of my skull. I huffed deeply, stretching my arms and body as I felt the tension scatter away from my body. Today was fun, but exhausting. I don't know if it was the hot weather, the amount of junk food I ate right under the big hot sun, or how his little girlfriend was dissing me the whole time she was around.

She even ignored her own sidekicks just to throw jabs at me, We all rode home with Reverend Donald Sr., Daddy got called into work last minute and Mama was just getting home around the time we pulled up, so we were stuck in the Rev's car listening to loud gospel music all the way home. I had to sit in the front as my ears ached and rung from Reverend Don's loud singing, Derek and Dalvin were slumped over asleep in the backseat while Mikey and Donald sat in the trunk of the DeGrate's station wagon, playing with the uno cards.

When we got home it was a quarter til seven, we made it home just in time for mama to start cooking her meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and  corn, with a glass of her fresh kool-aid that would last for about a week, it was something we needed after all the junk we ate, mama hated when we did that. I ended up taking my shower first, I was too tired to even have any desert because all I wanted to do was was lock myself away in my room and sleep.

I got my behind up from my pink chair, dragging my feet against the pink carpet, I was so close to making it into my bed but someone just had to knock in my door and bother me. I groaned, rolling my eyes, my bunny slippers slapped against the carpet as I moped over to the door, the knocking continued up until when I unlocked it and opened it.

I seen Mikey standing in the dark hallway, his shoulder pressed against the white doorframe. His Donkey Kong pajama set and blue bedroom shoes covered his slim body, "We need to talk." was all he mumbled.

I nodded 'yes' as I pulled the door back far enough for him to walk in, he did so and kicked the door closed with the sole of his bedroom shoe. I crawled into my bed, throwing my pink sheets and blankets over my body as I reached over to turn on my radio, The Gap Band's "Yearning for Your Love" played quietly behind Mikey's voice, music was the key to helping me go to sleep whenever I couldn't.

Mikey sighs, pulling his pajama pants right above his hips before sitting on the edge of my bed, he placed his hands in his lap as he refused to look at me, "Sorry about the other day." Sorry?! Michael Demetrius Hayes just told me his bratty annoying embarrassing ugly dumb little sister that he was sorry, that's like the number one rule in the annoying sibling book, never say that you're sorry! An alien must've came down on earth and sucked the bit of brain and common sense he had left out of his head the way he's acting like he lost his mind.

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