chapter seven

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His black Chuck Taylors stomped against the black carpet with bright colorful designs  scattered all over. He felt himself stomp on a few chips and walk over puddles of slushees, and sodas spilled on the carpet. He slid through the thick pool of teenagers as he tried to find someone he knew would be at Birdie's birthday party. His fingers gripped onto the handle of the indigo gift bag, it held a windbreaker jacket and a Fanny pack from a clothing store in a mall. It's all he could get for her without his parents being suspicious.

The black lighting wavering around the room made it hard for him to identify anybody, his black shirt and matching shoes weren't glowing under the black lightning like everyone else's, but his white jeans made him blend in with the party. He was able to sneak out during the night while his parents were asleep. He managed to get caught by Dalvin who was roaming through the fridge for a light night snack, they agreed that Donald would do his part of the chores in exchange for him keeping his lips zipped.

Donald eyes got big as he finally came across Birdie, he could see her skating around one of the red round tables in a hot pink ruffle organza dress, with blue bangles and earrings. It appeared to be Maureen sitting on one of the chairs, holding a white and red styrofoam cup in her hands as she slurped down her beverage through a straw. As he got close enough for the girls to see him, he saw piles of shoes on the ground near the table, which meant whoever Birdie invited were already there and on the floor skating around to "Let it Whip" by Dazz Band as it was currently playing.

"There you are! We thought you weren't gonna make it." Birdie squealed as she skated her way over to Donald, she almost knocked him off of his feet as she softy crashed into him, pulling him onto a tight quick hug. She took the bag from his hands and sat it near Maureen, who ignored his existence, he figured she was still upset about the incident at the record shop.

"Dang, Birdie! How many people do you invite!? "

She laughs, sitting the back down on the table near a few other gift bags. "I invited a lot of people, but I didn't expect them to sneak out. I ain't think they had the guts."

He nods in response before she spoke up again, realizing some of the people she invited still weren't present. "Where's Mikey and Monica? I hope they got their invitation." He shrugs, noticing that his friends were missing. He hums, "Mike should be on his way with her. JoJo and Cedric couldn't make it."

Birdie frowns, shaking her head with disappointment. It wasn't a secret to anybody close to Birdie that she like Cedric, most girls in the town did. All he had to do was to sing a love ballad to them and he'd have them wrapped around his finger, Donald couldn't see what it was that made girls like him so much. Yes, he was a could singer and could go down as one of the best in the music industry if he took it serious, but Cedric wasn't boyfriend material, he played too much— it was like he got a kick of it, he would eventually come across one hell of a crazy girl and she would ruin his life before he ruined hers. Cedric would have five girlfriends a week, dump them, and have six the next week.

Birdie, on the other hand, was different. Even though she got caught up in his rapture the same way, she was different. She was smart, she was beautiful, she had goals, and was one hell of a cheerleader. She was the only one out of all the girls crushing on Cedric who could go on with life without Cedric in it. The rest would have a heart attack if Cedric were to dump them.

Maureen furrows her eyebrows with fury, "Who's this girl he's coming with?" Birdie giggles, Maureen reeked of Jealousy, everyone could smell it. "Calm down Muhammad, that's his little sister. He never tells anyone about her, that's why you don't know who she is, girl."

"Yeah, don't try to smack him next." Donald agrees.

Maureen peered at him with a scowl, "Imma punch you if you try me again!"

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