Chapter 37- Close to Home

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Loki had somehow stuck an explosive device on the giant monster and sent him to Hel before dying in his brother's arms. Noelle could feel her heart breaking as Thor gave a scream of anguish when he passed.

How many more people had to die because of her?

She stood several yards away, keeping her distance as Thor's eyes met hers, only filled with grief and despair. She swallowed and started to advance closer before a sharp gust of wind stopped her. Dark, sooty sand blew into her eyes.

"Thor– we have to leave him. There's a storm coming." From where, she didn't know.

The Asgardian didn't move for a moment, and Noelle was worried she would have to say something again, before he gently rested Loki's head down onto the dirt and stood up. She could see his knees shaking slightly, probably from the shock.

She went over to him and touched his arm. "We should head over to one of those caves," she said quietly, pointing ahead. "Until the storm ends."

Thor nodded silently.

Then we have to figure out a way off this rock.

Noelle found a slim entrance to what looked like a deep cave hollowed into the side of the hills. She shivered a little as she entered. She didn't like caves. Most of her memories in caves were bad ones.

Thor was not far behind, although he stood at the entrance, unmoving.

Noelle turned around to make sure he was still there, but continued on her own further to the back just to make sure there wasn't anything or anyone else in here with them. She didn't see or sense anything unusual, so she came back to the front, where​​ Thor was sitting on a large rock. His hammer was by his side on the ground and his hands were folded. He looked worse for wear, Noelle thought. His face had taken on that solemn, serious look it usually did when things were bad, but his eyes...

He was devastated.

She crouched down on the ground beside him. There was a long moment of silence between them.

"You–" Thor started.

"Thor–" Noelle stopped. "You go first."

He nodded towards her shoulder. "You are injured."

For the first time Noelle was aware of the searing pain in her right shoulder. She honestly had forgotten about that until now. So much had happened.

It was dark in the cave so she turned on her lightsaber for a better look at it. It reminded her of a blaster wound– charred, bleeding flesh that stunk. It wasn't anything that wouldn't heal though. In fact, she could probably heal herself right now with the Force. She placed her palm on her shoulder and nodded at Thor gratefully.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Thor offered her a pained smile. "What were you going to say?"

This time it was Noelle's turn to look away. She was no good at this, but she wanted to tell him because she cared. Plus it was the right thing to do. Despite what Loki had done, he was still Thor's brother.

Noelle knew that feeling.

But she pushed away her bad memories. Thinking about Anakin wouldn't bring him back or change what happened.

She made herself look back up at Thor though, who was still staring intently down at her as if he hadn't taken his eyes off her at all. "I– I'm so sorry about Loki..." she got out. "And about everything. None of this would have happened if it weren't for me. First your mother, and now–"

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