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Name:  y/n.

Last name: l/n.

Friends: Dan, Runo, Alice, Shun, Marucho and Julie.

Attribute: Darkus.

Guardian Bakugan: Centipoid.

Guardian Bakugan: Centipoid

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Power: 425 G.


Attractor: Has two different effects:
Adds an ally Bakugan on another Gate Card to Centipoid's battle and adds the 10's number from that Bakugan to Centipoid's Power Level.

Moves an opponent to Centipoid's Gate Card.

Black Is Darkness: Brings all opponents to Centipoid's Gate Card. 

Spiced Assault: Adds 100 to Centipoid and subtracts 100 Gs from each opponent.

Grand Down: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card.

Other Bakugans:


Power: 390 G

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Power: 390 G.


Slice Cutter: Subtracts 50 Gs from the opponent.

Twin Machete: Adds 100 to Mantris.

Marionette: Mantris can move any Bakugan to any that Gate Card its owner chooses.

 Sling Blazer: Enables Mantris to move any Bakugan to any adjacent Gate Card that its owner chooses. 

Doom Companion: Removes an opponent Bakugan and Mantris from an ongoing battle.


Power: 400 G

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Power: 400 G.


Spirit Canyon: Copies the effect of your opponent's Gate Card.

Grand Down: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card. 

Spiced Eater: Adds 100 to Wormquake and subtracts 100 Gs from each opponent.


Power: 380 G

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Power: 380 G.


Spiced Slayer: Adds 100 to Laserman and subtracts 100 Gs from each opponent.

Leap Sting: Allows Laserman to attack from anywhere on the battlefield and subtracts 50 Gs from the opponent.

Grand Down: Nullifies the opponent's Gate Card. 

Gate cards: 

Attribute Normal: Adds 70 Gs to all Bakugan on the Gate Card with your Attribute.

Anastasis: All of the user's defeated Bakugan are able to be used again. 

Hazard: Turns all Bakugan on the Gate Card to the Attribute you said.

Grand Spirit: Adds 50 Gs to your Bakugan for every Gate Card on the field.

Gate Close: All Bakugan on the field, regardless of what Gate Card they are on, are returned to their owners.

Intercept: Stops two Bakugan from brawling, and moves on to the next player's turn. If another Bakugan is added to this card, the opponent's Bakugan battles the Bakugan that was just thrown in.

Level Down: Subtracts 100 Gs from the opponent if it has 400 Gs or more.

Magma Fuse: After the battle is over, every Gate Card and Bakugan on the field are sent back to their owners.

Peacemaker: Returns all battling Bakugan on this Gate Card to their player's arsenal.

Quicksand Freeze: The Bakugan that wins on this Gate Card remains on it without being removed.

Wall Lock: Nullifies the opponent's ability.

See ya.

Centipoid brawler. (Bakugan x male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now