You let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you,"

"It's no problem at all, my love," He replies.

The relief very quickly turns to horror as you watch a Chitauri advance towards Loki behind him, where he is unseen. It holds a sword in his hands, aimed at Loki's back.

"Are you al-" Loki starts.


Your shout came to late, your sluggish limbs too slow to stop it.

The sword goes straight through your love, physically puncturing his heart and metaphorically breaking yours.

The creature pulls the blade from Loki and he falls to the floor.

"NO!" The word feels like fire coursing through your veins, burning every part of you with horror and grief. This can't be happening. It can't! All the hopes and dreams you shared with your love... they can't be for nothing, can they?

With great effort - but no longer caring for your painful arm and the grazes no doubt covering your side - you push yourself up and end the life of the monster that harmed Loki. In any other circumstance, you'd have given it a long, painful death. But you have no time for games. Loki needs help.

You collapse onto your knees beside where Loki has fallen. He's as pale as a ghost, his hands shaking as he tries to stop the bleeding.

"Hey, hey," You say, trying to swat away his weak hands to properly stop the blood flow. "Look at me, ok? Keep your eyes on me. You'll be alright, I promise,"

Your voice is wobbly, a lump in your throat forming and making it increasingly difficult to speak.

A strangled noise comes from him, a small stream of blood trickling from his mouth.

"Shh, shh... don't waste your energy," You whisper, tears starting to free fall down your face.

He's clearly trying to focus on you, but his eyes keep wandering. Your heart sinks painfully low.

"TONY! THOR! SOMEONE!" You scream desperately, hoping with every fibre of your being that they can hear you. If only your blasted comms hadn't broken! "I NEED HELP! NOW!"

Loki's breathing becomes more raspy; more broken. But you won't accept it. You won't. He's not dying today.

"Stay with me, Loki. I'll get help, you'll be ok... we'll be ok!"

A smile ghosts his lips, a hand reaching up and painting your cheek red before it falls back down, limp. Loki's eyes flutter shut, his head lolling to the side and his body relaxing. A singular breath leaves his mouth, and no more follow it.

"No, no please..." The tears start to fall harder, droplets splashing onto his still torso. You lean down and place your head on his chest, trying to listen for a heartbeat.

There's no sound.

"No, no, no! Wake up! Please! Don't leave me! Don't go!" Sobs wrack your body when there's still no movement. "Loki?!"

You pull his lifeless body into your arms, holding him close to you as you call out his name over and over, waiting for him to wake up and for it all to be a joke or... something. Anything. As long as he comes back...

Loki's pillow is soaked with your tears once more. But then again, it's not really his pillow anymore, is it...

The only reason you made it back to the tower is because Nat and Steve had to physically separate you from your love and carry you back to the jet. You didn't want to leave him. You couldn't!

Loki OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora