"Actually I thought he was a bit scary when I saw him at the ball, but I was wrong."

"To build such a garden! He must really cherish you, Your Highness."

"Well, actually, Dad had ordered but it was Ara who had designed this whole place." I spoke. I couldn't just not tell them, they couldn't just keep praising Dad and not Ara.

"Really? Oh, my. I didn't know Her Highness was even talented in such a thing!"

"To be honest, she seemed just like His Majesty when I saw her at the ball. Both of them held the same posture and expression. Though Her Highness looked really pretty when she smiled."

I smiled at that, Ara did look really pretty when she smiled.

"Your Highness and His Majesty looked picture perfect on the day of the Debutante."

"Even Her Highness Amara and her partner!"

"Yes, you and Her Highness looked like fairies from story book."

"I was really shocked when I saw the stars in the ballroom after you and His Majesty danced and even after Her Highness Amara danced there were some beautiful butterflies and flower petals."

"That was Ara's magic."

That earned some squeals.

"I had only heard that Her Highness Amara was a very strong Mage I didn't know she could make something so beautiful."

"Come to think of it when Her Highness danced with her partner I could have sworn that they were flying!"

Because they were.

"Both of them were Mages, after all."

"So magical!"

"But, is Her Highness Amara not going to be present for this tea party?"

"Ah, she had her training so, she said she wasn't so sure if she'd come or not." I said and then looked down at the tea cup.

I really wanted Ara to be here, I wanted to show her off a little. After all, it was only her who was unconditionally by my side.

"If my beloved sister calls me who am I to say no?" I gasped as I heard Ara's voice close behind me.

I whirled around to see her standing there.


"Ah! Y-You just appeared... out of nowhere."

"I used teleportation, since I was running late." Ara spoke as she looked at the girls.

She was usually dressed in shirt and pants at home but I guess today she'd decided to use a coat and cravat that made her look effortlessly stylish just like how she praised Dad

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She was usually dressed in shirt and pants at home but I guess today she'd decided to use a coat and cravat that made her look effortlessly stylish just like how she praised Dad.

"Ara!" I stood up and hugged her.

She chuckled lightly as I patted my back gently, I hadn't seen her properly in these days since she was always working, the only times I did see her was when she'd arrive for her meals or for tea time.

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