♧ Chapter 13 : PART 1 The Embers of Longing

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Chapter 13 : PART 1
The Embers of Longing

Camille's heart pounded in her chest as she walked through the structures of the Royal Capital. She had come to meet with the wizard king, hoping to discuss her recent mission with him and seek guidance on her magical abilities.

But as she turned a corner, her heart sank when she saw Fuegoleon standing with another woman, a noble with light pink hair.

Camille's mind raced with a mix of emotions - jealousy, hurt, and anger.

She couldn't help but wonder who this woman was and why Fuegoleon was with her. Were they close? Were they in a relationship? The questions swirled in her mind, but she tried her best to maintain her icy facade.

As she passed by them, Fuegoleon reached out and gently held her wrist, trying to explain the situation. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through Camille, but she quickly pulled away, not wanting to show any vulnerability.

She turned to look at him, her eyes cold and distant. "There's nothing to explain," she said in a calm but firm voice.

"It's none of my business who you choose to be with."

Fuegoleon looked taken aback by her response, as if he hadn't expected such a cold reaction from her. He tried to reach out again, but Camille stepped back, keeping her distance.

"I have my own path to walk, and you have yours," she continued.

"I won't interfere with your life, and I expect you to do the same."

Her words were like daggers, cutting deep into Fuegoleon's heart.

He could see the pain in her eyes, and he desperately wanted to explain, to tell her that the woman was just a friend and nothing more. But he could sense that Camille was not ready to hear anything from him.

With a heavy heart, Fuegoleon reluctantly let her go. He watched as she walked away, her back straight and her steps firm. He wanted to call out to her, to chase after her and try to make things right, but he knew that he had hurt her deeply.

As Camille disappeared into the crowd, Fuegoleon turned to look at the woman with the light pink hair his fixed fiance. But he declined her as always, for she only loved one woman in his life that's Camille nothing but Camille.

Meanwhile, Camille walked through the Royal Capital, her heart heavy with sadness and regret. She knew that she had pushed Fuegoleon away, but she couldn't bear the thought of being hurt again. She had already experienced enough pain in her life, and she couldn't afford to let her guard down.

With a deep breath, she resolved to focus on her duties as a Black Bull and on honing her magical abilities. She knew that she had to be strong for herself and for her newfound family in the squad.

But deep down, the ache in her heart remained, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had made the right decision by pushing Fuegoleon away. Only time would tell if their paths would cross again, and if they would be able to mend the wounds that had been inflicted on both their hearts.

As she walked back to the Black Bulls base, Camille vowed to stay true to herself, to remain strong and independent, and to keep her emotions locked away.

Little did she know that the events that had unfolded would set her on a path of self-discovery and growth, leading her to confront her past and find solace in the bonds she formed with her squadmates.

And as she gazed up at the night sky, she couldn't help but wonder if fate had more surprises in store for her, and if one day, she and Fuegoleon would find their way back to each other.

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