☹︎ [o.s.] heavenly.

Start from the beginning

he was so much more enchanting up close. you couldn't help but inspect his stark features, and he smiled kindly at this. you felt an overwhelming sense of joy and comfort in his contrasting appearance and presence. there, right in his icy white eyes, you knew everything would be alright.

you knew you had found your true purpose.

"you seek salvation, don't you?" he inquired curiously, gently grabbing ahold of your hand, and lifting it atop his holy book with his own lingering over yours. you peered down at the item and marveled at the way it seemed to glow in the candlelight. you felt an instant inexplicable connection to it, and then you knew that this was the path you were meant to take.

you smiled up at him, and he smiled back.

"i am osmund saddler. what is your name, lost little lamb?" he asked with a gentle smize on his face.

you told him your name, and everything... everything that had happened to you in the last few weeks or so. you slowly broke down in his arms, but you also felt peace for the first time in a while. osmund promised you that salvation is coming and that you're not alone.

you wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

you collapsed, bawling in his tight embrace even moreso after he offered you a place to stay with his sisters.


time had passed and you had attended every worship session, soaking in his words. accepting that everything would be different now. that everything will be okay. you felt the warmth of their hospitality and the safety of their home. you had found your place in the world, and you understood fully that you would never be alone again.

you'd spend your time helping out around the church, organizing things, and helping clean and cook. you spent your nights with saddler reading scripture. he told you that you were special and that there was a reason you were not in that fire... that you were chosen by god to be a prophet to speak the truth about the world. he believed that you were given a mission - a purpose to pursue.

he made you realize that you needed to be bold and formidable in order to fulfill your calling. he urged you to refrain from giving up and to always trust in the lord. according to osmund, you ought to not question yourself, and to always endeavor to lead a life of righteousness and justice. he maintains that you should always be faithful to yourself and never veer from the destiny god has planned for you. thankfully, osmund had been molding you into a true prophet through midnight sermons and purification rites, but everything proceeded gradually...

it had been 3 months since you first were initiated as a prophet to their god. you felt something deep inside you. this was your calling. you finally found your will to live! and your goal was to bring earth's people salvation. you called upon the gods and asked for their help, and a powerful force of energy surrounded you and filled you with a sense of purpose.

you had to save the citizens on our god-green earth.

osmund showed you a whole new world, he showed you love and support. osmund's faith in you, and love for you, was so great!

you had never felt this before; you truly began to believe that you were a prophet. from the outside, to be honest, it looked like you were being held captive by some crazy cult from the lack of sleep, and the hours spent kneeling and studying the word of your god. but to you, this was your everything. you found yourself in a hypnotism, and it was one that was only broken by the occasional proclamations of your newfound revelations. you had never been so sure of anything in your life! you felt a sense of purpose and belonging that you had never felt before... you were determined to spread your newfound knowledge to the world.

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