"No. She was too fragile, especially as she got sick. It was this business that paid for her treatment, even if it didn't work," he tells me, as if he expects me to rejoice.

My jaw hardens into a painful clench. "What else did it pay for?"

"Everything, Kiva," he whispers.

The overwhelming extent of what he's telling me is too much. Another sob breaks loose, although it doesn't stop, followed by a pained wail. I wrap my arms around my legs, crying so hysterically I can feel my tears melting into the blood.

Father reaches out to touch me but I press myself back, staring at him with horror.

I've lived my entire life ignorant to the horrors my father was involved in. My life has been so easy, so comfortable, all paid for with blood.

"Hey, don't cry. Once you see the brilliance of this, you will understand," he attempts to soothe. "You are to take over this business when I am done."

My crying pauses. He seriously thinks I want anything to do with this?

"And what exactly, father, is this business?" I question.

He wipes at his damp brow. "Girls volunteer to come here and...satisfy the clients wishes."

I almost choke on a horrified laugh. "Volunteer? They volunteer?"

"In a way, yes." He swallows thickly, starting to shake. He makes excuses for what he does, tries to rationalise it. It keeps him from spiralling, letting him truly believe he is doing something morally okay.

"The profit from this has been immense, and we are only getting more interest," he adds.

"I thought you loved me, father," I breathe.

His brows draw together. "Of course I love you."

"Then why hurt these girls? They are just like me," I press my hand to my chest, ignoring the warm blood that now drenches it.

He straightens, seeming to come to his senses. "No. You are a Princess. You are entirely different."

"If I'm so different, let me go," I snap.

"I will. I just need to know that you're not going to freak out if we let you go," he says calmly, motioning at the guards who stand by, only willing to release me upon my fathers command.

"I won't..."

"You'll stay here and listen? You'll try to see where I'm coming from?"

I pause. I'm here, attempting to have a civil conversation with this monster and I have no idea where Erin is. She could be getting slaughtered right now for daring to try to leave...

"Where is the girl? Erin?" I panic.

Father rubs the back of his neck. "She's been secured elsewhere for the meantime."

"Are you going to kill her?" I whisper, heat crawling over my skin as images flash in my mind of what they may have planned for her...this innocent, young girl who doesn't deserve to know such horror.

"She has already been sold. It's out of my hands now," he tells me, carefully monitoring my reaction.

"No, you have to save her," I insist. "She doesn't deserve to die."

Panic rears it's ugly head and this time I don't have the strength to resist it. I start blindly tugging at the chains, wishing they would uproot themselves from the concrete floor.

"You've always had a fragile heart, dear. When you take over, you're going to have to avoid seeing the girls, aren't you?"

He says it so calmly anger surges through me. How demented does he have to be to think this is okay?

The Princess's Guard ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن