1-here we go again

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Wilbur nervously drummed his fingers on the side of the door. Unable to sit still, wilbur touched his cross body bag and on the inside was a few things but what took up the most space were his notebook with a teal hardcover and his lyric book with a black hardcover with stickers. Even if he was unable to say or sing the lyrics he wrote maybe one day someone would use them. on the side of the two notebooks was his phone had earbuds connected to it. And in the tiny pocket was a thing a gum and a bunch of pencils

Eret slowly turned down the radio which signaled to wilbur to take out his earbuds.

He still was drumming his fingers along the side of the door but was now looking at eret

"Hey I promise this family is very good. I am really good friends with them and phil is a sweetheart and so are his two boys" Eret insured 

Wilbur nodded unsurely laying his head back down on the door.

He was nervous. I mean every foster home he had been too have left him wounded either mentally and/or physically. 

"You can fall asleep wilbur its okay" Eret said

Wilbur looked at the time on the car screen it read '11:09 pm'  Wilbur sat up and grabbed his notebook. 'do they know we're coming so late,  He wrote 

He shoved it in erets way but eret didn't look at it till they stoped at a red light and then he read it

"Yes He's aware" eret said "Stop worrying so much alright how about you go to sleep you know how you get in a new foster home you never really sleep the first few nights"

Wilbur nodded slowly and rested his head on the door


The car came to a stop as wilbur woke up. they were there. Wilbur slowly got up and looked around. He didn't bother to look at the neighbours houses sense he assumed he wouldn't be staying.

Wilbur looked at his notebook and then looked at eret 

"Don't worry him and his 2 kids know....it's ok" Eret replied to the gaze from the brunette 

Wilbur nodded and got out of the car. 

Wilbur didn't have many belongings because he never really stayed anywhere. All of the things he owned were in his bag and then only a few hand me down clothes.

Eret knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by a tall-ish blonde haired blue eyed man

"Eret! Wilbur!" He said "Come in! Come in!"

Eret walked in while wilbur just stood there shaking

Eret looked back at wilbur "C'mon wil its okay I promise" they said holding their hand out

WIlbur grabbed his hand as he walked inside  

"Both of my boys are asleep right now so you can meet them tomorrow...sound good!?" Phil asked  

Wilbur nodded. He looked around trying to scope out any hiding places just incase

"Are you hungry? I made noodles for dinner would either of you like some?" The blonde asked 

"Oh my god phil you know I love your noodles!" Eret exclaimed "What about it wilbur?" they asked 

Wilbur shook his head

Phil looked at him but immediately shook it off  

Eret finished their food and check out where wilbur would be sleeping

"Wilbur this is really nice way nicer then....uhm....." Erets voice trailed off as they bit their lip

Phil looked concerned and wilbur just stared at his feet 

"Uhm...Anyways wilbur...do you like it?" Eret asked

Wilbur looked around the empty room and nodded and signed thank you to Phil

Phil smiled "Of course"

Wilbur slightly smiled....not enough that you could really tell but Phil could

"Can I talk with you before I go" Eret said nodding down the hall

Wilbur looked up and noticed them and started to follow

"Oh! Wilbur....uh...." Eret started 

Wilbur stared at him in confusion

"How about you go put your stuff in the room and get settled" Eret said

Wilbur rolled his eyes before he went back to the room they had showed him before

"Alright....I've made a entire paper on his likes and dislikes sense he can't really tell you himself and I also brought his file in case you would like to look at it" Eret said

"Wow thanks eret I've never seen you so protective over a kid" Phil said

"Yeah he....he's been through alot" Eret said looking down

"Well I'll make sure to take great care of him" Phil smiled 

"Okay....He might not sleep to well tonight or tomorrow but he'll be okay" Eret said

Wilbur heard them finish talking and walked over to eret

Eret squatted down to look up at the brunette "Hey your going to be fine" They said punching Wilbur playfully in the side and chuckling a bit and then walked out and shut the door behind him

Wilbur stood there until phil came over to him

"Hey....do you maybe want to go lay down"

Wilbur didn't do anything and and phil walked him upstairs to where his room was.

Wilbur got the room by the office and the older sons room and phils and the younger son were in the next floor up. It was a really nice house and wilbur knew that. He did like the house it had a main floor and 2 upstairs and it also had a basement.

"Well I'm gonna head to bed once we have all woken up  i'll introduce you alright" Phil said

Wilbur nodded and phil closed the door and wilbur sat there thinking to himself

Sorry this is a shorter chapter bc I was just making sure you guys like it so far! 


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