Chapter 1

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'I'm married to Teddy, I'm fucking married to Teddy Lupin!'

"James! Wake up, please. Wake up." Teddy panicked. "Merlins tits Al, you couldn't have waited! The man only just woke up!"

"How was I supposed to know he lost that much of his memory!?"

"Dad, why is everyone yelling? What's wrong with Uncle Jamie?" A small voice asked.

"Uncle Jamie lost his memory, Orion."

'Orion? Who the hell is Orion?' James internally questioned to himself. "Would you all shut up? I can still hear you." He mumbled.

He looks around just in time to see a little blond boy jump in his bed and ask, "Uncle Jamie! Papa and dad said you can't remember!? Does that mean you can't remember me? Your favorite nephew!?"

"Uhh... No, sorry, I don't remember you, kid. Maybe you could remind me again?"

The kid, Orion, he guessed, takes a deep breath and quickly says, "Ok, I'm Orion James Potter-Malfoy, I'm this many." He holds up seven fingers. "I was born on July 16th, 2023, meaning we share a birthday. How cool is that!? I like cars, and my daddy and papa are so grossingly in love that it's horrible. I like doing pranks with you and your kids!"

"My what!?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Your kids!? John and Dora!? We do pranks all the time, and it makes my daddy and papa and Uncle Teddy annoyed. But it's fun!"

James nervously grins and looks at his brother and says, "You produced a prankster?"

"Unfortunately." Albus said with a small chuckle. "Orion, let's go see Grandpa and Grandfather."

"Awwww, but I want to stay with Uncle Jamie." The seven year old pouted.

Scorpius picks him up and says, "Yes, I know, but Uncle Jamie and Teddy need to talk." He looks at his brother in laws and says, "Good luck."

"Thanks..." Teddy mumbled. He sits in the chair next to his bed. "I imagine this is a shock."

"Umm yeah..."

"Sorry about Orion. He's a very energetic child, diagnosed with ADHD when he was two."

"He's a cute kid... So Albus and Scorpius finally got their heads out their asses and got together?"

"Yeah. They got together when they were sixteen. Had Orion a year and a half later right after they graduated. Quite the scandal." He said nervously.

"I can imagine. 17 with a baby just out of Hogwarts. A Potter and Malfoy. Quite a scandal." He laughed. "Who bottomed cause I have a bet going."

"Albus surprisingly." He chuckled. "I thought it'd be little Malfoy."

"So... You and I..."

Teddy blushes brightly and says, "Yeah... We've been together for six and a half years.."

"Can I ask how this." Gestures between the two of them. "Happened."

He looks down. "You were babysitting Orion when he came down with a fever. Albus and Scorpius were out for the first time since he was born, and you didn't want to interrupt them, so you begged me to come over. Between the two of us, we were able to calm him down... Sparks flew between us and umm... We did things."

James blushes. "So we got together?"

"Not exactly. You just got signed to play for Puddlemore United, I just had a major case to work on at the ministry... So we went separate ways." He sighed. "Then something happened that made me have to quit my job, and you found out... We worked on our relationship and been together since."

"What happened to make you lose your job?"

"Oh, look at that, it's getting late... I need to go. You should rest, I'll be back tomorrow." With that being said, Teddy fled from the room, leaving James more confused than ever.

Godrics Hallow

Harry walks into his house with a sigh. Tonight, he and Draco had at least half of their grandkids staying with them. He loved them dearly, but he was desperate for a night alone with his husband.

"Hey love, is James ok?" Draco asked, putting Dora into a chair while trying to coax John into chewing with his mouth closed.

"Hey, Dray, I'll explain it later." He said, glancing at his oldest son's children. John, who is six, and Dora, who is four. "Oh, Albus and Scorpius are coming by. They're bringing Lyra. Apparently, our granddaughter has been begging to spend the night."

Draco smirks and says, "That gives me a perfect opportunity to tell her all about why she should be a Slytherin."

Harry rolls his eyes, "You're just upset. Orion is definitely going to be a Gryffindor."

"Oh yes, terribly upset. They should've named him Leo. He's already a strawberry blond Malfoy."

"Potter-Malfoy." Harry corrected sitting down.


"Yes, John?"

"When's daddy coming home?"

"Hopefully soon." Harry said, ruffling his hair. John was a spitting image of James, whereas Dora was obviously Teddy's as she was also a metamorph too. (A/N forgot how to spell it, and I'm too tired to look it up)

John rolls his eyes and says, "He needs to hurry up cause he's taking too long. No one should sleep this long."

"I agree." Harry said softly.

The floo roars to life, and Teddy comes in, "Hey... Have they been behaving?"

"Surprisingly, yes." Draco said, helping Dora eat. "You here to take your ankle biters home?"

Teddy nods. "Yeah, I need to talk to them."

Harry stands up and takes him to the living room. "How are you coping, Ted?"

"I don't know. I'm just happy he's awake, I don't know how he's going to handle all of this when it sinks in. Al and Scorp brought their kids by, and Orion sorta dumped everything on him."

Harry winces. "I swear he talks more when he's excited than Scorpius. How did James handle all of that?"

"He handled it well, but I'm worried that won't last long."

"Only time will tell."

Sorry it's so short, I'm trying to get updates out so I don't forget like I do with my other stories

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