- . The mission - Muichiro . -

930 7 11

You woke up from your bed, yawning and stretching as you swung your legs to the side of the bed.

You squinted your eyes as you felt the light beams land on your face. You've been through this almost every day but it's as if you still have never got use to your routine.

I mean, your fighting man-eating demons almost everyday, who would get use to that? Maybe some have but your definitely not one of those people.

The thought of it just makes you shiver. You got up from the bed and grabbed your demon slayer uniform. As you finished you grabbed your haori and your katana before sheathing it on your hip.

You out your H/C hair in a H/S and was now on your merry way. You noticed your crow start to fly onto your shoulder.

"Caacaw! The Master wishes to meet you!"

When you even heard the word "Master" you started to make your way to the Ubuyashiki Mansion.

You noticed that he was sitting on his knees waiting for you so you two could get information already. It didn't take you long to get there before you sat down beside him, sitting on your knees as well. You sat and awaited The Master's orders.

"It seems as if there has been a countless number of demon attacks near the city, Asakusa. I need you two to go and kill the demons there. Remember, the city police must not know about us." He placed a finger on his lips before facing forward once again. His voice was calm and delicate, it made you feel so relaxed and warm inside. You couldn't help but listen to him.

Muichiro and you both simultaneously said "Yes, Master." Before giving a quick bow and starting to run to the location where you two's mission is.

You knew this mission wasn't gonna be easy since you could easily get ambushed by a party of demons at the same time. But luckily, you had Muichiro with you to help, right?

"Muichiro, go left, I'll go right and let's see if we can spot any demons." You told him. He gave a nod and you went to the right as he went to the left.

As you ran, you noticed a non-ranked demon. Before it could even notice you, you slashed it with your blue katana.

"Freaking demons.." You muttered to yourself as you felt a bit angry. These demons have slaughtered people. Innocent people to be in fact!

As you ran you slaughtered many demons on the way, surprised on how many were in the area. Why?

I mean, the city mostly had demons in the outer parts instead of in the city.

You saw the boy with mint fade before realizing it was Muichiro.

"Muichiro, have many demons did you see? There's been way more than usual."

He raised an eyebrow before trying to remember how many demons he had encountered. "It was 8. None of them were ranked, only normal demons."

"Hm, the number of demons have been quite high. This city has been here for quite a while, huh?" You said to him. He nodded in an agreement and you both started to run in the middle.

The two of you heard yelling coming from the core of the city. The both of you immediately ran to the noise to find a demon male biting a women.

"Sir, get away from the male!" You yelled as you got in the middle, holding down the demon male in front of you.

The police stared at you with shock and some confusion. "Excuse me, we need you to get away." Muichiro was beside you when the police tried to grab onto you, but instead he latched onto their arm.

"You can't tell us what to do! We're the police!" He hissed back. A mean and nasty look on his face.

Muichiro didn't say anything, except just giving him a glare and put the officers hand down.

"I need them to leave so I can kill this demon.."

You thought to yourself. In the blink of an eye you had already token the male demon outside of the city towards the outer, leaving Muichiro with the stunned police officers.

Holding the demon down onto the floor you immediately slashed the demon on its neck. They hadn't killed anyone and that was the only good part.

Afterwards, you got on your knees and clasped your hands together. You began praying for the poor soul. You were immediately disturbed as Muichiro approached behind you.


"Are you gonna keep being on your knees or get up?" An aggravated voice said. You almost jumped!

"Apologies, I was doing something."

Muichiro glanced at you and raised an eyebrow as you got up and started to dust your uniform off.

"The mission is over already?" You thought, I mean, there were a lot of demons. Both you and Muichiro killed 13 in total, you having 6 and him having 7.

"Let's head back, Tokito." He nodded before the two of you began to head back.

"Is it fine if I just call you by your first name..?"

You asked with a nervous smile.


Feeling a bit surprised by this you nodded and gave him a smile.

"Okay, Muichiro!"


UGH IM SO SORRY I HAD TO GO SOMEWHERE TOMORROW AND TODAY😵‍💫 I have the rest of the one shots ready so uhh😭 thank you for reading my loves!! Always rest and have water!

One Shots ! ~ | Demon slayer . + !Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz