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That night I drove off down the highway to the nearest bar i could find. By no means am I a drinker but my mom just set me off. She always expected the absolute best out of me and any less recieved a backhand. It was difficult growing under such demanding conditions and sometimes she manages to still break a nerve or two.

When I arrived at the bar I practically jumped out of my car. I walked as fast as I could to the bar,holding back every ounce of emotion swelling in me. The bartender of the night seems to be a rather attractive young woman. She looks to be in her late 20's. One thing I immediately noticed was her piercing gaze and her genuine smile. I sat down and asked her for a shot to calm my nerves. She obliged and took something out of seemingly nowhere. I was always curious as to how or where they pulled all these bottles out of. Only they knew.

The hours ticked by as I took in shot after shot. My phone rang every now and again but I just silenced it, too engulfed by my emotions to hear the voice of a companion.

One more shot and another followed until I could barely see clearly through my eyes. I was in no shape to drive home. The bartender looked at me pitifully. Earlier I poured out my story to her as she listened but I know it was part of her job. To listen, serve and care. That was her job and nothing more. I decided to call it a night then and there. Only problem is getting back home, to my girlfriend. I remembered my phone, then snapped out my trance. Now I couldn't afford to waste anytime. She is probably beyond mad with me. To my surprise however, there wasnt a single message from her,only Ariana. I cursed myself for what I was about to do next. I walked back into the bar to go find the bartender.

Paying attention to her now I see she is a muscular woman. Her hazel eyes stared at my clouded ones, she knew why I was here. I walked up to her awkwardly and stood there with my mouth opening and closing. She cocked her head and looked at me with a smirk.

"A ride home?" I timidly asked her. She giggled and said "I don't think you can drive yourself home." She was right of course. "Can you? You can drive my car if you do." I said hopeful. A small gleam of excitement flashed in her eyes before her face went hard. She shook her head "Can't do that, too many murders. I will call you a taxi and you pay me back next time you're drowning yourself in liquor." I chuckled and softened my features, hoping she would do the same. "I can pay you now, how much?" I asked her while she stared at my with the ferociousness of a wild beast. She simply nodded her head "address?" was the only word she spoke. I told her and soon the taxi arrived. Thanking her, I left wondering what awaits me at home

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