Fate v. Coincidence

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You went over what should be in your packages before opening them. There should be cabbages, beets, and boxed noodles.

You opened them.

Sigh. Of course they forgot the boxed noodles. Of all the things, of course they forgot the most popular item. You would have to go into the city to get more in time. You hated going into the city.

"Kyle?" you called to your assistant manager.

"Yeah?" he answered from the back.

"I have to go into the city. Can you watch the shop while I'm gone?" you asked.

"Yeah, sure. Did they forget the boxed noodles?" Ah, Kyle. Such a nice employee. He was very pleasant to chat with. Maybe you'll promote him to co-manager.

"Yup. See ya!" You hopped on your bike and headed towards the city.


"O-oh! They, uh, they really wanted to be here, but they, uh... all had other plans." Cyrus Borg looked down sadly.

"I understand perfectly well. The loss of Zane has affected us all," he said. "I haven't even heard word from my assistant P.I.X.A.L. since his memorial. It's heartbreaking."

"If we dwell too long on what's missing, we fail to see what can be gained. The absence of Zane will either tear you four apart or bring you closer together. The choice is yours," Master Wu commented. He looked at Lloyd knowingly and Lloyd gave a swift nod.

"I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy."

"The greatest lessons never are," Master Wu remarked. With that, Lloyd jumped out the window. Borg glanced at Wu worriedly.

"Are you sure he can bring them together?" Borg asked anxiously.

"I have faith in my nephew. In the meantime, I have something else to attend to. Will you be alright to get down on your own?" Borg smiled and nodded, and Wu left, looking for someone in particular...

Back to you...

You had to use every scrap of your self-control to ignore the weird looks you were getting from everyone at the supermarket. Perhaps they would just assume you really liked noodles. Enough that you had bought thirty boxes of noodles. Maybe they'd think you have a big family? 

No, you have bigger problems. Your bike can't carry this many bags. You should've taken Kyle's car. Oh, you could just hear his smug voice now...

You would have to take a taxi back. But you don't have the cash, and you weren't old enough to have a credit card. And you couldn't leave your bike here.

"Excuse me." You heard the voice of an old man behind you. You jumped and quickly moved aside, dropping all your groceries.

How annoying. It would be a real pain to put them back in the bags. Normally, you could just use your power, telekinesis. But you couldn't do that in front of people.

"Er, sorry," you mumbled, before bending down to clean up the mess. The old man bent down to help you, but you gestured for him to stop.

"It's alright, you really don't-"

You were about to tell the old man he didn't have to help you until you saw who he was.


Oh, no.

The Tournament of Elements - Series!Lloyd x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now