Thank You For Not Morphing

Start from the beginning

Prue narrows her eyes.' Alright, what's going on?'

Phoebe feigns ignorance.' Going on? What do you mean? (She suddenly sees Andy) Oh, what a coinkidink. Look, who's here.'

(Prue and Prim look over at the same time. He waves at Prue and sends a smile Prims way)

Prue glares.' Phoebe, you didn't.'

'Well, your fingers weren't doing the walking, somebody's had to.' Phoebe tells her.

Prue sighs.' We've been through this. Okay him, me it's not a love connection. What we had ended in high school. It's in the past and it's meant to stay in the past. Andy and I have already had talked about this. We're friends that's it. Besides, I don't think it's me he wants to see.' Pointedly at Prim.

Prims eyes grew wide.' Uhhh, what are you looking at me for?'

'Because I know. Okay. I know how you feel about him. How you've always felt about him. I also know you never told me because you didn't want to hurt my feelings.' Smiling at her sister.

Prim sighs.' Prue what am I even goin to say. I've always been the little sister tagging along. I'm sure he probably just thought of me as his own sister as he does Piper and Phoebe.'

Prue shakes her head.' Honey, back then maybe he did....I mean it would've been a little inappropriate considering your ages, don't you think. Besides if he did look at you that way I probably would have thought he was a creep and grams would have found a way to make him disappear.' Prim laughs.

Phoebe chimes in.' Boy, girl, lighten up.'

Prim takes a deep breath, tackles Prue in a bone crushing hug.' You got this, just breathe, sweet girl.'

Prue untangles herself as Andy walks over, they nod at each other and her sisters walk away.

Prim smiles shyly.' They fail in the are subtlety.'

Andy smiles.' Well if we can teach them, we can then end hunger and create world peace.'

' Hmmm, but then what would I do with all my free time.' She jokes.

'Well, funny you should ask. I don't mean to push but I was wondering if your not not doing anything, I , I kind of have these tickets but they're for a warriors game and you probably wouldn't be interested, so...' Andy fumbled out.

Prim smiles at his attempt.' Well, the team can't do any worse than they did last year. Did you see them get creamed by the lakers?'

'Impressive. Is that a yes?' He asks hope filling his eyes.

Prim gulps nervously.' Ya know, um, I need to check my calendar because I might have a thing.'

'A thing?' He asks.

Fritz walks up.'So Prim, I hear you're friends with a cop.'

Andy looks at him.' Inspector actually.'

Fritz continues.' Oh, yeah. I've got these parking tickets.'

Andy tries to tactfully get him to leave.' My focus is mainly homicide and robbery.'

Fritz ignores him.' Yeah, yeah. So I have these parking tickets...'

'Gotta fly.' Prim hurriedly walks away.

'Prim, wait.' Andy calls after her.

At home Prim finds a snarling dog waiting for her inside.' Woah! Nice doggy.' As he starts barking at her. He runs at her and she barely makes it back outside as the dogs eyes glow.

The sisters are in the kitchen as Prim tells them about the dog.' How big was the dog again?' Phoebe asks.

Prim sighs.' Well I didn't exactly have the chance to measure it before it went in attack mode.'

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedWhere stories live. Discover now