stockholm syndrome

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this story is if like vader wasn't burnt to a crisp, if he was still sexy💋

my lip was busted open and i could taste the blood as my aching body lie on a hard cement floor. i had been kidnapped a few weeks ago (or so i thought, i couldn't keep track of time) and tortured ever since. i knew that the person who was torturing me wasn't the person in charge. i had been kidnapped by darth vader, but he had one of his little minions trying to get information out of me.

"do you believe in stockholm syndrome?" he asked and i could hear the door open even though he had not moved.

"fuck no i would never fall in love with you" i spat in his direction. i tried to sit against the wall and barely made it. there was another man in the room but i couldn't see his face.

"why cause i hit you a couple times?" he said in disgust.

"no, cause your ugly" before i knew it a rock was flying in my direction and i stuck my arms up to block my face. it hit me in the shoulder, cutting my skin open.

"you can leave, i'll take it from here" the other man finally said. i had now fallen back down to laying on the floor.

"thank you lord vader" my opposer said, leaving the room. my hands covered my head but i could see the man walk towards me. he was quite handsome and i knew it was wrong but i couldn't help but find him to be the most attractive man i'd ever seen. he sat down beside me, there was something in his hands but i couldn't make it out.

"he is ugly isn't he?" he asked pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. i was still covering my face and i hoped he couldn't see me.

when i didn't respond he kept talking. "it wasn't right for him to treat you like that." i knew exactly what he was doing, trying to get on my good side so i would tell him what he wanted. "look at me" he muttered. i slowly obeyed him, moving my arms. "are you cold" i nodded.

"here i brought you a blanket" he then moved the item from his lap and laid a blanket over me. i couldn't help but pull it close to me and try to get as much warmth and comfort as possible.

"thank you" i whispered. i knew he was just playing me to get what he wanted but i was almost giving in.

"your welcome" his voice was deep and comforting. he pushed another piece of hair behind my ear. "this floor isn't very comfortable is it?" he asked me.

"no" i was still whispering, afraid if i talked louder this would end.

"come here" he patted his lap for me to lay on and i hesitated. "it's ok" he said and i crawled over to him. he took me in his arms. his body was warm and i knew i would tell him anything he wanted now. vader was trying to get what he wanted but he also had grown an attachment to me that i wasn't aware of. he had checked up on me when i was sleeping and there was always food by me when i woke up. i had never known why or who but vader had snuck in every night and given it to me.

"are you hungry?" he asked as i grew tired in his arms.

i nodded "yes" i said a little louder than before.

"come with me" he stood up and carried me in his arms. my legs wrapped around his waist and my head sat on his shoulder. this felt weird to me but somehow i had fallen under his spell very quickly. i might have been because he was treating me so nicely after all the torture or maybe it was because he was very attractive and smelled like sweet cologne. whatever it was i was enjoying it. i closed my eyes and leaned into his neck. i was unaware but he was losing his mind over this small act. he had grown to feel bad about letting someone hurt me.

Anakin Skywalker/ Hayden Christensen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now