you did?

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for school we had notebooks where we wrote stuff we had learned about the jedi. we also filled out packets and papers and taped them in. i had gotten this notebook in the start of the school year. it was my 8th and final year of school (there's no elementary/middle/high school). i was 17. this notebook followed me through a whole year. it was filled to the brim with all sorts of stuff.

when i turned it in there was only two people left to submit them and see if we passed of not. me and anakin skywalker. we weren't very close. he was tall and had long curly hair. i had kinda always had a crush on him. kinda like a hallway crush.

i walked up to the table where jedi masters [obi-wan] kanobi and windu sat. it was kind of ironic because master obi-wan was anakins master and windu was mine. i threw my notebook on the table in front of them and windu chuckled to himself.

"a little aggressive don't you think?" he said smiling. i just shrugged. he then picked up my notebook. it was bright green and had colorful stickers on the front. "love the stickers" windu said, making fun of me.

"thank you" he examined them and that's when i remembered anakin was there. i looked over at him and noticed him staring at me. i looked away and tried to act like i didn't notice, even though i did. windu opened the notebook to the first page where i had written the jedi code. he flipped through the notebook. it was filled with brightly colored papers and packets, notes, messy thoughts, quickly drawn doodles and so much more.

when he was done he set it down and looked at me. "it's alright" he said. i was shocked. i had put my heart and soul into that.


he then started laughing "im just kidding it's great. you passed with flying colors. good job kid" i was so excited i jumped. i said thank you multiple times before picking my notebook up again.

a hand touched my shoulder and another notebook hit the table. "hey good job" anakin said next to me and turned to look at obi-wan who was inspecting his padawan's notebook. my heart was racing. his notebook was dark red and had his name written in big letters on the front. his writing was messy on the pages. when obi-wan put his notebook down he smiled and let anakin know he passed. he also smiled. we congratulated each other, thanked our masters and walked out of the room.

"hey, wanna like get come coffee of something to celebrate?" anakin said as i started to walk away.

"sure" we decided to go to a cafe that was only a few minutes away. we walked there mostly in silence, every once in a while one of us would point out something we saw. if it was a pretty flower (we walked through a garden) or a funny looking statue.

when we arrived we sat at a table by the big windows. the cafe was small but cozy. there was a couch and some tables. next to the windows we're bar tables and that's where we sat. a very pretty waitress came over to our table and immediately asked anakin what he wanted. she was flirting with him and even offered her number. i couldn't help but be jealous as i watched this play out in front of me.

he politely declined her number, and she finally turned to me. she rudely asked what i wanted. i ordered a chocolate chip frappe and a butter croissant. anakin ordered just a straight black coffee.

she walked away to get our coffee. "wasn't she just delightful" anakin remarked sarcastically.


"i'm proud of you for passing" anakin spoke softly and looked anywhere but my eyes.

"thank you, i'm proud of you too" he smiled when i said this.

"i guess it's time for real training and missions"

"yes i suppose"

our drinks finally came out and the waitress winked at anakin. "she really wants you" i said slightly annoyed.

"what are you jealous?" he joked, even though i really was. i had dreamed of eating with anakin, even if it was just as friends. and now this bitch wants to come and ruin it.

"no of course not" i looked at his as if he was stupid.

"oh then maybe when she comes back i'll give her my number." he stated, looking at me with a smirk.

"you do that" my blood was really boiling now. god why did he have to be so annoying. but so fucking fine. i had barely taken a bite into my croissant when the waitress drifted our way again.

anakin flashed his beautiful smile. "you know i would actually like to take you up on your offer, could i have your number please" he shot a teasing glance in my direction. she happily wrote her name on her order pad, ripping it out and placing it on the table in front of him. he looked at me once more before kissing her hand. after she walked away i finally spoke up.

"i kinda thought this was a date when you asked me" he looked up from the paper. but this time his look wasn't playful, it was rather sweet.

"you did?" he said looking directly into my eyes. he seamed lost in the moment, not sure what to do just enjoying it.


"w-well it can be" he said quickly. he was now quieter. he looked nervous and choked on his words.

i picked up the paper and ripped it in half, throwing it into my purse. "you won't need that then" he smiled at me and chuckled a little bit. we spent the rest of the time talking about anything and everything. it was overall a great first date. 

word count:985 

Anakin Skywalker/ Hayden Christensen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now