Chapter IV

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Bell was confronted by the fastest adventurer in Orario! The same adventurer whom he had beaten in a foot race during the War Game. The cat person walked towards Bell and stopped just a few inches away from him. It was rare for Bell to look down to meet another man's gaze but it was that exact situation that he found himself in. But even though he was looking down at this first-class adventurer, he could feel the fierce aura emanating from his presence.

"I won't lose." the cat person grunted.

"What?" replied Bell, with a confused look on his face.

"I have had enough of people looking down on me! Thinking that they are better than me. First it was that Boaz. Now it's you, the goddess's favorite child-"

"But I-"

"Shut up! All my life I have tried to protect my only family. I pushed her away because that fool was so clumsy that she could have fallen to her death at any moment if she stayed with my familia. The blind trust that she has in me. In her eyes, her big brother can do no wrong. He is the strongest. He will protect her no matter what. Do you know how weak I feel whenever we go to the dungeon and I see that Boaz easily defeating monsters that would rip me open without a second thought? And I wondered why that brute took such an interest in the weakling from the Hestia familia? Why the goddess took such an interest in a shrimp like you? But now I know.
So I'm here to also let you know that I won't lose to you. That was the last time I ever lose to you! I will become the big brother who will protect his sister from the dungeon, the monsters, and that damned dragon! And I will also protect her from you if I ever catch you laying your lecherous eyes on her."

"Wha-" squeaked Bell, before he was interrupted.

"Don't think I haven't noticed how you regularly visit the tavern and have already preyed upon three of the girls working there. The goddess had me on guard duty multiple times and I have noticed you stealing glances at her breasts every time you visit. And that creepy face you make when you gaze at the elf's ears when she is not looking! If you ever try anything like that with my sister, I swear I'll make you the fastest blind man in Orario!"

Bell went cold from head to toe. He wasn't prepared for this type of confrontation and sweat started to drip from his forehead.

"I-I-I have never looked at your sister like that." stuttered Bell, while trying to regain his composure.

"And you better keep it that way. I can tell that you are on your way to the tavern so you better keep your distance from her! If I were you, I would choose the elf. And I'm not just saying it because I want you to stay away from the goddess and my sister, you hear?" said the cat person, with a threatening tone in his voice.

"Are you always this pent up because you are trying to overcompensate for something?" whispered Bell, inaudibly under his breath.

But the enhanced hearing of the Level 6 cat person caught the white haired boy's offhand remark.

"What the hell did you just say!" shouted the cat person, while aggressively getting into Bell's face.

"N-Nothing. I'm just glad that Anya-san has such a wonderful brother to look after her. It's one less person that I have to take care of." smiled Bell, while awkwardly trying to back away.

"And one less girl that you'll get to seduce." said the cat person, as he turned on his heels and jumped onto the nearest rooftop before disappearing from Bell's vision.

Bell let out a huge sigh of relief before continuing towards his destination.

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