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prologue : a hopeless dream

Since I was a little girl, I've been absolutely obsessed with fairies and the mesmerizing world of "Winx Club." Each episode I watched, every enchanting transformation I witnessed, only fueled the fire within me. I couldn't help but yearn to be part of that magical realm, to become a fairy with the power to make a real difference.

As my 16th birthday approached, excitement and nervousness intertwined, creating a whirlwind of emotions. This was my final chance, my last shot at turning my wildest dreams into reality. I whispered a promise to myself, acknowledging that if Alfea's invitation didn't grace my mailbox or if I didn't somehow stumble upon my hidden fairy heritage, then I'd have to let go of this cherished dream.

The days leading up to my birthday were an intoxicating mix of anticipation and uncertainty. I craved something extraordinary, a sign that would unveil the enchanting destiny I had always yearned for. But doubts gnawed at the edges of my hope, reminding me of the seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against me.

On the eve of my 16th birthday, bathed in the soft moonlight that spilled into my room, I made a solemn vow. I fixated my gaze upon the breathtaking night sky, a canvas filled with countless stars that held infinite possibilities. If the sun rose the next morning without granting me a glimpse of my hidden fairy powers, I would reluctantly accept that the world of fairies would forever remain beyond my grasp. It would be a painful farewell to a childhood dream.

As I lay in bed, thoughts raced through my mind, a maelstrom of excitement and resignation. Sleep eluded me, and I found myself staring into the darkness, contemplating what the future might hold. Would this be the final night that I clung to the fading hope of becoming a fairy? Or would destiny intervene, unveiling a realm of magic that had eluded me for far too long?

With the dawn's arrival, golden hues illuminated my room. Holding my breath, I awaited a sign, a whisper of the extraordinary that would determine the course of my dreams.

But as minutes turned into eternity, reality set in. The room remained still, devoid of any mystical presence. My heart sank, burdened by the weight of unfulfilled desires. It seemed that my final chance had slipped through my fingers, leaving me to confront the stark truth.

With a heavy sigh, I rose from my bed, allowing the wave of disappointment to wash over me. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, a profound sadness clouded my features. The dreams that had fueled my spirit for so long were fading, receding into the realm of childhood fantasies.

Yet, even in that moment of resignation, a spark of defiance ignited within me. I wouldn't give up on my love for magic and the world of fairies so easily. Although the path to Alfea hadn't unveiled itself on my 16th birthday, I refused to abandon hope entirely. Perhaps there were hidden avenues, undiscovered opportunities waiting for me to explore.

With renewed determination, I silently vowed to embark on a journey of self-discovery. If becoming a fairy wasn't my predetermined destiny, then I would forge my own path to magic and enchantment. The world was vast, brimming with untapped wonders, and I was determined to explore every nook and cranny of it.

Little did I know that my journey was far from over. The story of my dreams was about to take an unforeseen turn, as fate prepared to weave a tapestry of adventure and self-discovery that would forever alter the trajectory of my life. Under the starry sky that mirrored the sparkle in my eyes, I eagerly awaited the grand unveiling of the chapters yet to be written.

author's note:
hi 🫶🏼 it's the author speaking!
i hope this prologue made you realize a bit about how deep cielo's dream is, i have to note that it takes place a bit earlier than when the next chapter occurs. cielo's birthday is in the spring, during the second semester of her last year in middle school. the first chapter will take place a bit before she enters her summer break. ☀️
also the next chapter will be much much longer, about 1,500-2,000 words each! since this is just a small introduction then it's a bit short.
question of the chapter:
do you like stories with more mysteries that the characters have to solve or with more fun, romance and battles? 🤍

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