They react to you drawing them

Start from the beginning

   Heather would initially display a guarded and skeptical reaction upon discovering that you have drawn her. However, deep down, she would likely appreciate the gesture as a sign of admiration and affection.
  Heather examined the drawing with a critical eye, "Hmph. Not bad, I suppose. You've managed to capture some resemblance."
  You smiled, "I'm glad you think so. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."
  Heather softened her tone slightly, "Well, I can see you put effort into this. It's...nice."
  "Thank you, Heather!"
  Heather smirked, "You know, maybe there's potential in you yet. With more practice, you might even be able to do justice to my stunning beauty."

  Emma recognizes the symbolic value and the effort you have put into the artwork. She sees it as you showing how important she is to you and since Emma is definitely the romantic type, she would most likely get excited over it and try to find the underlying meaning in it.
  Emma blushed, "Well, then. I must admit, this drawing is a reminder of how far we've come together. It serves as a symbol of our partnership and the support we offer each other."
  You leaned closer to her, "I'm glad you see it that way, Emma. You inspire me every day."

  "Oh my gosh! Is that me? That's so amazing!"
    You looked up with a bright smile. "Yep, it's you, Kitty! I wanted to capture your energetic spirit and adorable smile."
  Kitty's eyes widened with delight, and she rushed over to get a closer look. "Wow, you've got some serious artistic talent! I love how you've brought out all the little details, like my signature bow and my favorite sneakers. It's like I'm looking in a mirror!"
    You blushed at the compliment, grateful for Kitty's enthusiastic response. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to create something special for you because, well, you mean the world to me."
    Kitty pulled you into a tight hug. "Aww, you're the sweetest! This is the best gift ever. I'm so lucky to have you in my life!"

   Mike would be flattered and would take a genuine interest in your drawing. If you ask to draw him, he would say yes without hesitation because he loves trying your hobbies with you.
  Mike's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, Y/N! This is amazing! You've captured me so well. It's like looking in a mirror, but better!"
  "I'm glad you like it, Mike. I wanted to capture your true essence, and I'm happy that I did well."
  Mike leaned in closer, examining the details of the drawing. "You know, Y/N, this means a lot to me. It's not just a drawing; it's a representation of the connection we have. Thank you for sharing your talent with me."

  Mal's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the drawing. His lips curled into a sly smile, a mix of satisfaction and intrigue. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little artist in our midst, hm?"
  You tried to push down your irritation, knowing Mal always tried to hide his feelings. If he even had any.
  "Not bad," He remarked, trying to hide his smile. "You've managed to capture my essence quite well. I must say, I'm impressed."
  "Admit that you like it."
  "Never in a million years."

   Scott would initially react with skepticism or curiosity when you reveal your artwork to him. He would playfully ask if you're trying to capture his rugged good looks or his strategic genius.
  If the drawing is amazing, he definitely would show it off to his friends about "Having a hot girlfriend who draws." He's that mischievous and arrogant.
   If you're drawing sucks, he would still be flattered but he won't show it off as much.
"Scott, put that painting down!"
  "No way! It reminds me of why you're so special!"

  You opened your sketchbook, revealing a drawing of Trent sitting on a park bench, strumming his guitar. He was always playing his guitar, so you decided to draw him just like that.
   Trent's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the drawing. "Wow, Y/N, this is amazing!" He exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You've really captured the essence of my music. It's like you've painted a moment from my soul."
   You blushed, grateful for Trent's positive reaction. "I'm so glad you like it. I wanted to create something special for you."
   "This is more than special, Y/N," He said sincerely. "It's a beautiful gift, and it means a lot to me that you put so much time and effort into it."

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